Health Part 1: Truth about Terrain Annihilates Germ Theory Matrix

The first premise for this post stems from my personal health journey, an article from 2007 about sharks, heavy metal toxicity, and the parasites that enable them to survive: Parasitic worms inside the guts of sharks are absorbing high concentrations of toxic heavy metals, researchers have found. The worms could be useful to scientists trying to check up on the health of ocean waters. And they could be saving the sharks from metal poisoning — at least for now. [1] Whether one ascribes to Intelligent Design, where all kinds have a common Designer and Creator, or Darwinian Evolution, where all kinds have a common ancestor, it is clear, in both systems, that something common is shared: all living things take in something , and all living things eliminate something . Entrance and exit. Simple. The second premise for this post is to acknowledge that the human body is a " closed system ." To simplify, the body is a sealed unit inside and out, with plumbing that has acc...