September 27th, 1986 — Cliff Burton Sacrificed on Jesuit Order's Birthday?; Metallica
September 27th, 1986: the death-date of heavy-metal bass prodigy, Cliff Burton.
Was Cliff Burton, bassist and natural leader of Metallica (1982 to 1986), the only member of the band to have formal training whom the other band members looked up to, killed in an accident, as we have read?
Creeping Death
Cliff Burton died in Sweden, during or after the Metallica tour bus was involved in a highly strange accident. The driver of the tour bus has never been publicly named, nor was he charged in relation to the bus accident or Cliff Burton’s death—on September 27th, 1986. A coincidence?
With discrepancies of the cause of the bus accident (black ice vs being too warm for ice) and how Cliff died (during the bus crash, or after, when, while the bus was lifted off Cliff Burton's body, the bus was accidentally dropped and crushed him again.) All this leads to more unanswered questions about what really happened that September 27, 1986 morning in Sweden—a Saturday.
In the few years he was part of Metallica, Cliff Burton built himself a reputation as one metal’s greatest bass players.
Burton, born on February 10, 1962, was something of an anomaly in the thrash metal scene.
On September 27, 1986, his life was tragically cut short in a tour bus crash 12 miles north of Ljungby, Sweden. He was just 24.
Cliff Burton's death, a result from a tour bus crash, occurred on the road between Stockholm (the home of Greta Thunberg) and Copenhagen, Sweden.
Cliff, by winning a card draw, chose Kirk Hammett's bunk as the prize.
Everyone survived the horrific bus crash, except Cliff:
James Hetfield did not find the alleged "black ice" that the bus driver claims caused the bus to swerve and crash, resulting in Burton's death:
Cliff Burton's bass playing style (effects, playing lead, his style, his persona) was revolutionary and exploded the box-cage of what a bass player could/should do. Notice the type of cross hanging from his neck:
Cliff's stage-charisma:

Cliff Burton, live 1983, playing Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth):

Cliff Burton, live 1983, playing Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth):
Cliff's Early Life
Cliff was born on February 10, 1962, in Castro Valley, California, to Jan and Ray Burton. He had two elder siblings, Scott and Connie. He was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area by his parents. Burton's interest in music began when his father introduced him to classical music and he began taking piano lessons.
In his teenage years, Burton's interest in music switched from classical to jazz and eventually heavy metal. He began playing the bass at age 13, after the death of his brother. He was taught by Steve Doherty. His parents quoted him as saying, "I'm going to be the best bassist for my brother." He practiced up to six hours per day.
He was asleep when at several minutes before 7 am (on the 27th), according to the driver, the band's tour bus ran over a patch of black ice, skidded off of the road (the E4, 2 miles north of Ljungby), and flipped onto the grass in Ljungby Municipality, near Dörarp in rural southern Sweden. Burton was thrown through the window of the bus, which fell on top of him, causing his death.
Local freelance photographer, Lennart Wennberg, who had attended the scene of the crash the following morning, when later asked in an interview about the likelihood of black ice being the cause of the accident said that it was 'out of the question', stating that the road had been dry and the temperature around twenty degrees Celsius. This was also confirmed by the police who also found no ice on the road. Ljungby detective, Arne Pettersson was reported in a local newspaper to have said the pattern of the tracks at the accident site were exactly like ones seen at sites where drivers had fallen asleep at the wheel. However the driver stated under oath that he had slept during the day and was fully rested; his testimony was confirmed by the driver of the second tour bus. The driver was determined not to be at fault for the accident and no charges were brought against him.
By Joel McIver July 09, 2008
Although the vehicle wasn’t moving particularly fast at the time, Cliff was ejected halfway through a window next to the bunk in which he was sleeping and crushed to death underneath the bus. The driver claimed that the bus had hit black ice; Hetfield accused him of being drunk; the police initially thought the driver might have fallen asleep at the wheel. In the end no-one really knew what had happened – only that one of the most gifted musicians of a generation was dead.
By Martin Kiely
September 07, 2016
Hetfield continues: “Coming out and finding your buddy under the bus is not something you want to go through. Our first reaction was anger – one of the things we were good at.
“‘Why did this happen? Where’s the driver? Let me smell your breath.’ I walked for miles looking for this black ice in my underwear, when it’s 20 below.
STERLING WHITAKER September 27, 2015
Metallica were on top of the metal world in 1986, having just signed their first major label deal [with Elektra] and releasing their commercial breakthrough album. But the band's year ended with a crushing blow after bassist Cliff Burton died in a bus accident while touring overseas.
Reportedly, attempts were made to rescue him from underneath the bus by lifting it with a crane, but the crane slipped, and the bus crashed down on top of Burton a second time. Band members and onlookers have given different accounts of whether Burton died upon first impact or when the bus came down again, but the promising young star died at the scene.
By TeamRock September 27, 2016 Metal Hammer
He was a pretty relaxed guy, but you couldn’t mess with him, he wasn’t a pushover. He was a strange mix of opposites; he would work on his car while listening to punk, and then he’d play chess and write poems while listening to Bach.
Posted Jul 17, 2009 02:07 PM
According to several of the interviewees, Cliff enjoyed a lot of say over Metallica's decisions in the early days, probably because of his musical skills which were way more advanced than the others' at that time and because he was a little older and more experienced than the other guys. So his influence over what they did was greater than most people think.
A Loving Sister
Cliff's older sister, Connie Burton:
The Salvation Kingdom [2018] documentary is a 94-minute movie, in which Connie shares, in depth, about her legendary brother. In it, she reveals her Christian faith and Spirit-led strength in coping with Burton's death, as well as overcoming personal substance abuse, incarceration, and more.
Who Signed Metallica to Elektra in 1986?
Jul 12, 2017, 09:56am
In the summer of 1984, a 25-year-old A&R exec from Elektra Records named Michael Alago went to see a relatively new band out of LA called Metallica. It was what Alago now calls "the brink" of their extraordinary success, when buzz around the band was mounting with each electrifying gig they played.
As a gay Puerto Rican teen growing up in New York City of the ’70s, he hobnobbed with the bands that birthed American punk rock — from Blondie and The Ramones to influential thrashers Suicide.
His love of music and a gig booking talent for East Village rock club The Ritz in the early ’80s led to a career in A&R for Elektra Records and later Geffen, making him one of the industry’s only openly gay record execs. He signed bands including Metallica and White Zombie — some of the loudest names in rock, Alago’s specialty — to their first big recording contracts.
Luckily for us, all of Michael Alago’s accomplishments — as well as the trials and tribulations of his 58 years on Earth — have been captured in a documentary currently rocking Netflix. Who the F**k is That Guy? The Fabulous Journey of Michael Alago, directed by Drew Stone and produced by Michael Alex, is one of the best docs you’ll treat yourself to this year.
By Byron Beck | Published August 2, 2005 Updated January 24, 2017
For nearly two decades, Michael Alago was a music producer for such diverse acts as White Zombie, Nina Simone and Metallica. But now the 5-foot, 4-inch, 140-pound, 45-year-old Latino from New York City has given that up to pursue his true calling-taking photos of he-men, hustlers and other hunky streetwise types he calls "Rough Gods."
[Q & A]
You juxtapose hot men with Christ...
[Michael Alago:] I was brought up Catholic, went to [(an unnamed)] Catholic school. He is certainly a rough god.
“For a long period of time, I hid my [AIDS] illness from my mom,” he says. “I remember being in Brooklyn, sitting at the dining-room table with her and my sister, and I said, ‘Mom, I’m really sick,’ and we all just cried.” A devout Catholic, she lit candles for her son at the local church.
Alamo gets an auto-bio Documentary Film:
Who the Fuck is that Guy?
'Who The Fuck Is That Guy'? The Fabulous Journey Of Michael Alago tells the astonishing story of a gay Puerto Rican kid growing up in a Hasidic Brooklyn neighborhood, who got on the subway one day and began a musical odyssey that helped shape the musical landscape across N.Y.C. and around the world.
From rubbing elbows with N. Y. scene makers as an teenager at Max's Kansas City and CBGB, to being the architect of a rock 'n' roll renaissance as the 19 year-old talent booker at the legendary Ritz, to making history as a 24 year-old A&R exec, signing the biggest metal band in a generation in Metallica, Michael Alago was on fire.
With the documentary due in select theaters July 21st and via video-on-demand July 25th, we caught up with Stone and Alago to chat about the latter's influential life behind the scenes and how he helped change the course of heavy music history.
ALAGO: Well, Cliff Burton was a sweetheart. Extraordinary musician. Lovely person. The day after they played Roseland, the summer of 1984, I barreled into their dressing room and bolted the door. They were like, Oh, this is what an A&R person looks like at a major label? I was hugging them and kissing them and they were like, "OK, ok." Anyway they came to the office the very next day at 75 Rockefeller Plaza, where Elektra was, and they came into the conference room and I was kidding with Cliff about his elephant bell bottoms — you know, those wide bell bottoms.
The Question
Being deeply cynical, I have to ask the question: was Cliff Burton removed, somehow intentionally, after Metallica was signed with a major record label—Elektra?
Is this where our reality crosses over in to the inter-dimensional realm and the rest is mystery?
I've been revisiting some Metallica material lately, and two songs in particular, in light of 9/11, in relation to Revelation 9:11, stand out:
The Call of Ktulu, from the 1984 album, Ride the Lightning (released on July 27, 1984, just before Loyola's feast day on the 31st; July 27th, 1609 was Ignatius Loyola's Beatification date by Pope Paul V)):
Orion, from the Master of Puppets album, released March 3, 1986:
Metallica's legacy:
Metallica has become one of the most influential heavy metal bands of all time, and is credited as one of the "big four" of thrash metal, along with Slayer, Anthrax, and Megadeth.[178] The band has sold more than 125 million records worldwide,[4] including an RIAA-certified 66 million and Nielsen SoundScan-reported 58,000,000 in the US, making Metallica one of the most commercially successful bands of all time.
Metallica: the Bandmates
Metallica's James Hetfield, guitarist, vocalist, band co-founder:
James Hetfield was born and raised in Downey, California.
Hetfield was raised in a strict Christian Scientist home. Christian Scientists do not accept conventional medical care, rather, they feel that any ailment can and should be cured by God. Due to this, Hetfield’s mother died of untreated cancer when he 16.1 Hetfield, to this day, blames religion to some extent for the early death of his mother. He has said:
You know, watching my mother wither away because of the rules of the “religion” was extremely difficult, and not being able to step up. Not even being able to say anything about it.2
The experience also inspired Hetfield to write the Metallica song “The God That Failed.”
However, Hetfield retains a certain kind of faith, mostly expressed in his tattoos. On his left arm, Hetfield has an eye looking down onto an angel.
He also has a cross tattooed on his chest.
There are perhaps two reasonable things that Metallica singer James Hetfield has done in his life: going to rehab and rejecting Christianity. Hetfield was raised in the controversial Church of Christ, Scientist. His father, who was very involved in the church, walked out on his family without an explanation when Hetfield was a young boy.
Hetfield and his signature ESP LTD Iron Cross guitar, rocking in front of "X" (for Xavier?):
"X" addressed in my blog-post:
Kirk Hammett, guitarist:
... A couple of horror movies I could not, and cannot take my eyes off? The classic is The Exorcist. Because I was raised Catholic, it had a particularly heavy impression on my young self because it was all ‘real’, the nuns in school talked about all of that week in week out.
... after seeing 1974's The Exorcist...:
“As a kid who was trying to be a good, proper Catholic schoolboy, I was screwed, man,” Hammett says. “I felt like the devil was coming for me. I had to sleep with the light on for about a month.”
... and 1975's Jaws: “When I first saw ‘Jaws,’ I had trouble going to the beach for a month. My kids, they watch ‘Jaws’ multiple times. They say it’s funny.”
Lars Ulrich, drummer, band-co-founder:
Ulrich was born into an upper-middle-class family[3] in Gentofte, Denmark;[3][4] the son of Lone (née Sylvester-Hvid) and professional tennis player Torben Ulrich.[5] His paternal grandfather was professional tennis player Einer Ulrich. His paternal grandmother, Ulla Meyer, was from a Jewish family; as a result, Ulrich's grandfather was persecuted by the Nazis during World War II.
Lars’s father’s ancestry is half Ashkenazi Jewish, with the rest being German, and possibly Danish. Lars’s mother was of Danish, and one eighth Jewish, background.
Lars Ulrich awarded Knight's Cross of the Order of Dannebrog:
According to a report on the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Lars was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Dannebrog back on Friday 26th May by Margrethe II, the Queen of Denmark.
Creeping Death, from the 1984 Ride the Lightning album, a song for Passover:
Hebrews born to serve, to the pharaoh
To his every word, live in fear
Of the unknown one, the deliverer
Something must be done, four hundred years ...
To his every word, live in fear
Of the unknown one, the deliverer
Something must be done, four hundred years ...
Dave Mustaine, original Metallica lead guitarist from 1981-1983:
On Dave Mustaine being fired from Metallica:
Dave Mustaine and Cancer:
by Kory Grow September 17, 2019
Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine says he’s recovering well after revealing his cancer diagnosis in June. “I’m almost through the last round of treatment and my doctors are feeling very positive regarding my progress,” he wrote in a message on the band’s website. “I want to thank all of you for the support and well wishes these last few months. I can’t express enough gratitude as it has made this hard road easier knowing you are in my corner fighting with me!”
Hi Kam, apologies for the late reply. I didn't receive a notification that you've posted! Thank you for your kind comment—so glad you got to see Johnny's new book ... more required historical reading put into proper perspective.
ReplyDeleteCliff Burton and Steve Harris are the main reasons why I took up the bass guitar some 30 plus years ago so I must comment. Look at the history of Metallica and it mirrors the tavistock made band the Beatles. By all accounts , even professed by its members, they were at best average musicians and yet somehow became the top in their genre. Nothing and I mean nothing makes sense about the alleged bus accident. This was 100% a sacrifice for fame and riches and the members selling their souls to the devil.