September 27th—Hurricane Lorenzo and the Art of Weather Manipulation
updated September 29, 2019
On Hurricane Lorenzo, in time for the 479th birthday of the Society of Jesus or Jesuit Order on September 27, 2019, covertly named for Lorenzo Ricci, SJ.
Blue Dot, or Blue Pill? (just go back to sleep)
Marshall Shepherd September 29, 2019
“Only about 2% of Atlantic named storms ever achieve Category 5 status." Phil Klotzbach also tweeted the graphic above illustrating where Category 5 storms first reached that intensity. Hurricane Lorenzo is the blue dot. The bottom line is that Category 5 storms are already rare, and Hurricane Lorenzo is unprecedented in the record-keeping era. We just don’t see hurricanes at this intensity so far east and north because water temperatures are typically too cold and wind shear conditions can also be restrictive. I am old enough to remember the old Sesame Street rhyme “One of these things is not like the other” and now I am humming it. ...
On Thursday, Hurricane Lorenzo became the strongest storm in recorded history to reach the Eastern Atlantic. By Saturday morning the system had weakened slightly from a Category 4 to a Category 3 hurricane, but had broken yet another record: no major storm has ever lasted in the Eastern Atlantic as long as Lorenzo has, according to a report by The Weather Company, and the low pressure system won't dissipate any time soon.
On Saturday, Irish Weather Online urged caution for the end of the week in a Facebook post, writing: "Storm Lorenzo watch is now in the forecast as models changed the track overnight, bringing the remnant extratropical low straight towards Ireland. Too early to give any definite forecast but charts this morning on some of the most reliable models indicate potential for 120-140 km/hr gusts especially near the west coast but at least 100-120 km/hr in many areas. This could change again closer to the time...Very much a wait and see situation now but the arrival would be early to mid-day Thursday 3rd."
Lorenzo Ricci, S.J. (August 2, 1703[1] – November 24, 1775) was an Italian Jesuit, elected the eighteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He was also the last before the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773.

Lorenzo Ricci Orchestrates the Fatal Head-Wound of the Papacy via Napoleon—makes the seat of the Anti-Christ power ... literally disappear
Lorenzo Ricci, eighteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus, or Jesuit Order, who orchestrated one of the most brilliant political, military, and religious coups in history during his leadership from 1758 to the (Ricci engineered) suppression of the Society of Jesus from 1759 to 1773, when Pope Clement XIV issued Dominus ac Redemptor. The suppression of the Society of Jesus led to the hidden delivery of the "fatal head-wound" to the Papacy, under Pope Pius VI in 1798—a wound that ceased papal temporal power— through the groomed Freemason Napoleon Bonaparte, who dissolved the Papal States. [italics suspended for ease of reading]

Captured Weather Anomalies—Evidence of Human Fingerprints?
The HAARP Report on Hurricane Karen:
A straight line through the swirl:
Previous Hurricane Dorian "stalls" over Bahamas:
Jesuit Pope Meets "Climate Crusader"—what's really going on here?
—please see previous post: Greta Thunberg, the Pope, and the Manufacturing of Consent

Weather Manipulation and Control? —Mais ce n'est pas possible! C'est fou!
And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey Him?” ~ Matthew 8:27
If Jesus of Nazareth exhibited authority over wind, waves, and weather, how far-reaching would it be to consider the Anti-Thesis or Man of Lawlessness' same desire for total power and authority in the same realm—the weather?
A great summary—FrankenSkies (2017) trailer:

The Purpose?

And when the True King returns, payback will be a bitch.

On Hurricane Lorenzo, in time for the 479th birthday of the Society of Jesus or Jesuit Order on September 27, 2019, covertly named for Lorenzo Ricci, SJ.
Blue Dot, or Blue Pill? (just go back to sleep)
Marshall Shepherd September 29, 2019
“Only about 2% of Atlantic named storms ever achieve Category 5 status." Phil Klotzbach also tweeted the graphic above illustrating where Category 5 storms first reached that intensity. Hurricane Lorenzo is the blue dot. The bottom line is that Category 5 storms are already rare, and Hurricane Lorenzo is unprecedented in the record-keeping era. We just don’t see hurricanes at this intensity so far east and north because water temperatures are typically too cold and wind shear conditions can also be restrictive. I am old enough to remember the old Sesame Street rhyme “One of these things is not like the other” and now I am humming it. ...
On Thursday, Hurricane Lorenzo became the strongest storm in recorded history to reach the Eastern Atlantic. By Saturday morning the system had weakened slightly from a Category 4 to a Category 3 hurricane, but had broken yet another record: no major storm has ever lasted in the Eastern Atlantic as long as Lorenzo has, according to a report by The Weather Company, and the low pressure system won't dissipate any time soon.
On Saturday, Irish Weather Online urged caution for the end of the week in a Facebook post, writing: "Storm Lorenzo watch is now in the forecast as models changed the track overnight, bringing the remnant extratropical low straight towards Ireland. Too early to give any definite forecast but charts this morning on some of the most reliable models indicate potential for 120-140 km/hr gusts especially near the west coast but at least 100-120 km/hr in many areas. This could change again closer to the time...Very much a wait and see situation now but the arrival would be early to mid-day Thursday 3rd."
Lorenzo Ricci, S.J. (August 2, 1703[1] – November 24, 1775) was an Italian Jesuit, elected the eighteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He was also the last before the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773.

Lorenzo Ricci Orchestrates the Fatal Head-Wound of the Papacy via Napoleon—makes the seat of the Anti-Christ power ... literally disappear
Lorenzo Ricci, eighteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus, or Jesuit Order, who orchestrated one of the most brilliant political, military, and religious coups in history during his leadership from 1758 to the (Ricci engineered) suppression of the Society of Jesus from 1759 to 1773, when Pope Clement XIV issued Dominus ac Redemptor. The suppression of the Society of Jesus led to the hidden delivery of the "fatal head-wound" to the Papacy, under Pope Pius VI in 1798—a wound that ceased papal temporal power— through the groomed Freemason Napoleon Bonaparte, who dissolved the Papal States.
[Under Napoleon] General Berthier marched to Rome, entered it unopposed on 10 February 1798, and, proclaiming a Roman Republic, demanded of the pope the renunciation of his temporal authority.
Upon his refusal, Pius was taken prisoner,[9] and on 20 February was escorted from the Vatican to Siena, and thence to the Certosa near Florence. The French declaration of war against Tuscany led to his removal (he was escorted by the Spaniard Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marquis of Labrador) by way of Parma, Piacenza, Turin and Grenoble to the citadel of Valence, the chief town of Drôme where he died six weeks after his arrival, on 29 August 1799, having then reigned longer than any pope. [italics suspended for ease of reading]
Sun Tzu’s Art of War has become an iconic work, a commonly cited treatise with cross-over interest and application in academia, military, business management, and even popular culture. Sun Tzu (544-496 BC), a Chinese military strategist, revered and influential throughout Asia, was virtually unknown in Western culture for centuries until the French Jesuit missionary, Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, translated his masterpiece into French in 1772. Jean Joseph Marie Amiot (1718-1793), born at Toulon, France, entered the Jesuit order in 1737, ordained in 1746. In 1750, he was sent as a missionary to China where he became a close confident of the Qianlong Emperor, acting as an official translator and spiritual leader. Amiot remained in China for the next 43 years documenting Chinese culture and philosophy. Amiot’s output was staggering, producing works on history, science, music, and art, as well as a biography of Confucius and an authoritative Manchu dictionary. Within his voluminous accounts is a work compiling the essential classics of Chinese military, including the notable Art of War. The Art of War text is comprised of 13 chapters, each one devoted to a different aspect of warfare, such as management, environment, leadership, creativity, etc. Legend has it that Sun Tzu’s work influenced Napoleon in developing his own campaign strategies. The work became even more influential in the 20th century with leaders as diverse as Mao Zedong, General Pervez Musharraf, Vo Nguyen Giap, and General Douglas MacArthur.
[General Douglas MacArthur with Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh in Tokyo, 1948:]

[General Douglas MacArthur with Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh in Tokyo, 1948:]

In this early printing from 1772, Amiot presents not only Sun Tzu’s classic, but other important works on Chinese warfare, tactics, and philosophy, recorded over the centuries. The work also includes illustrations depicting various military troop exercises, armaments, uniform, costumes, etc.
"All warfare is based on deception." ~ Sun Tzu, Laying the Plans, # 18
So, who "wrote" the book?—

—18th Jesuit Superior General Lorenzo Ricci.
The Oath:
... I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. ...
Hurricane "Lorenzo" Confirms "Climate Crisis"
"All warfare is based on deception." ~ Sun Tzu, Laying the Plans, # 18
So, who "wrote" the book?—

—18th Jesuit Superior General Lorenzo Ricci.
The Oath:
... I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. ...
Hurricane "Lorenzo" Confirms "Climate Crisis"

Captured Weather Anomalies—Evidence of Human Fingerprints?
The HAARP Report on Hurricane Karen:
A straight line through the swirl:
Previous Hurricane Dorian "stalls" over Bahamas:
Jesuit Pope Meets "Climate Crusader"—what's really going on here?
—please see previous post: Greta Thunberg, the Pope, and the Manufacturing of Consent

Weather Manipulation and Control? —Mais ce n'est pas possible! C'est fou!
And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey Him?” ~ Matthew 8:27
If Jesus of Nazareth exhibited authority over wind, waves, and weather, how far-reaching would it be to consider the Anti-Thesis or Man of Lawlessness' same desire for total power and authority in the same realm—the weather?
A great summary—FrankenSkies (2017) trailer:

The Purpose?

And when the True King returns, payback will be a bitch.

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