Dirty Dancing—The White and The Black Popes
The dance between the White and Black Popes?
Released in 1987, and directed by the late Emile Ardolino:
... the son of Italian immigrants Ester (Pesiri) and Emilio Ardolino ...
and written by Eleanor Bergstein: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_Bergstein
... Bergstein was born in 1938 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. She has one older sister, Frances in her Jewish family.
The Late Patrick Swayze played, the almost always in black, Johnny Castle:
Until age 20, Swayze lived in the Oak Forest neighborhood of Houston, where he attended St. Rose of Lima Catholic School,[5] Oak Forest Elementary School,[6] Black Middle School,[6][7] and Waltrip High School. ...
... who said the legendary line: "Nobody puts Baby in a corner.": https://youtu.be/28A9Jgo92GQ?t=22
Who is Baby?
Jewish actress Jennifer Grey played Frances “Baby” Houseman.
Throughout the entire film, the name "Frances" is only spoken once:
Johnny Castle: "What's your real name, Baby?": https://youtu.be/LFhlnBzdOtk?t=95
Baby: "Frances. For [Frances Perkins,] the first woman in the [US] Cabinet."
Frances Perkins (born Fannie Coralie Perkins; April 10, 1880[1][2] – May 14, 1965) was an American sociologist and workers-rights advocate who served as the U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, the longest serving in that position, and the first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet. As a loyal supporter of her friend, Franklin D. Roosevelt, she helped pull the labor movement into the New Deal coalition. She and Interior Secretary Harold L. Ickes were the only original members of the Roosevelt cabinet to remain in office for his entire presidency.

The Episcopal Church honours Frances Perkins with a feast day on May 13th. Is this why Dirty Dancing's world premiere was at the Cannes Film Festival on May 12th, 1987—just in time?
"We'll Fight Harder, Frances"
The deleted scene that used Baby's real name a second time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0ccEQdN2fY
Baby/Frances: "... Everyone will be against us ... What then, Johnny?"
Johnny Castle: "We'll fight harder, Frances. That's what we'll do ..."
Are these scenes about our real world, right here, right now, specifically about the White and Black Papacy, with world "events" spiralling around them for added subterfuge and drama?
Part of the Dirty Dancing plot: Frances "Baby" Houseman takes her place next to Johnny Castle after Johnny's previous dancing partner, Penny Johnson (played by raised Baptist Cynthia Rhodes), was "gravely injured by the botched abortion" and could not continue dance training and performing. The The inexperienced Baby naively volunteers to stand in place of Penny, trained by both Penny and Johnny, leading to an intense romantic attachment between Baby and Johnny.
Pope Benedict XVI resigned his papacy on February 11th, 2013, and officially stepped down on February 28th, 2013.
Pope Francis, the first Jesuit White Pope in history, by the 2013 papal conclave, began his papacy on March 13th, 2013.
The finale of Dirty Dancing:
Pope Benedict XVI resigned his papacy on February 11th, 2013, and officially stepped down on February 28th, 2013.
Pope Francis, the first Jesuit White Pope in history, by the 2013 papal conclave, began his papacy on March 13th, 2013.
The finale of Dirty Dancing:
The Black and White Pope, centre-stage ...
The Black Pope teaches the dance, Sun Tzu/Art of War-style ...
and is mimicked by his faithful dance crew, Sun Tzu/Art of War-style ...
... And the elevation, by the Black Pope, of Frances/Francis—the first Jesuit White Pope?
Pope Francis, Arturo Sosa; Two Avowed Celibate Priests, Two Male Brides
Pope Francis greets Father Arturo Sosa Abascal, superior general of the Society of Jesus, before a meeting with editors and staff of the Jesuit-run magazine, La Civilta Cattolica, at the Vatican Feb. 9. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano, handout) See POPE-CIVILTA-CATTOLICA Feb. 9, 2017.
Rachel Donadio October 27, 2019
Pope Francis has helped open the door to allowing married men to become priests, albeit in just one region of the Amazon for now. He has made environmentalism a major focus of his papacy. Yesterday he gave a shout-out to Greta Thunberg and thanked journalists for doing their jobs, rather than calling them enemies of the people. He’s decried income inequality and nationalism and spoken out on behalf of gay people, Muslims, immigrants, and the poor.
This pastoral approach has made him one of the clearest and most humane voices crying out in the wilderness today. Has it also made him a revolutionary?
The bishops also asked Francis to lift the 1,000-year-old requirement of priestly celibacy to allow married men who are already ordained as deacons to become priests in some areas of the Amazon. There, a priest shortage means the faithful can go for long stretches without receiving Communion and other sacraments that only priests can deliver. This could very well revolutionize the Church worldwide. If a door opens in one country, it might open in another.
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