River's End and the Rise of the Joker Phoenix

updated November 1, 2019

River Phoenix, August 23, 1970 – October 31, 1993

Eaters of Children; Chapter 25: River’s End

31 October 1993, “Halloween”: 22 year-old “River Phoenix” (born River Jude Bottom) dies from a simultaneous ingestion of heroin, cocaine, and Valium. How the drugs got into the system of a vegetarian health enthusiast should have been questioned more than it was. 

By now, the parameters of the Devil’s Simulation have become more familiar to us.

* A “Faustian bargain” [or] “deal with the Devil” [is made]
* Is the subject willing to use or be used by others?
* What is the subject willing to do to advance themselves?
* Sexual deviancy?
* Homosexuality? Gender confusion (either from trauma of willfully striven for) is indicative
* Rape? Inappropriate seduction qualifies, especially when aided by narcotics, hypnosis, etc.
* Abuse of a child?
* Abuse a child so young they are completely unaware of sex and have no sex appeal? (to normal human beings)
* Kill an animal (particularly one that is helpless)
* Murder a human being?
* Torture something [or someone] innocent and defenseless

As we see the same names in popular culture rotating before us, it is made clear: they have participated to some degree in the Devil’s Simulation—even if a reliable-source accusation isn’t readily available. 

Few venues make this more illustrative than “entertainment”, particularly television and film. 

River Jude Bottom [Phoenix] didn’t skyrocket through child acting from obscurity. He was victimized by the Children of God cult; an offering from his “hippie” parents John Lee Bottom and Arlyn Phoenix (likely with his siblings—Joaquin, Rain, Summer, and Liberty).

Although [fellow Children of God acolyte] Rose McGowan seems to have enjoyed her “non-traditional” past and the boost the Children of God gave her into stardom, [River Phoenix] didn’t fare quite so well. 

At 1AM on Halloween in 1993, River Phoenix lay in convulsions on the sidewalk of the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. Before the turn of the hour, doctors would pronounce him dead. 

Media later claimed that his death was due to ingesting heroin, cocaine and Valium dissolved into a drink—an extremely dangerous combination.

It was spun as just another drug overdose in Hollywood. …

However, although Phoenix may have experimented with drugs, those who knew him were shocked that he would’ve died in such a manner.

This didn’t stop the media from pushing the image that River Phoenix was a drug addict. In fact, not only was he not, he may even have “had religion”—which would have put him high on the hit list of the Devil’s Simulation.

While Sneakers shot in Los Angeles, River states at Flea’s house [Red Hot Chilli Peppers bassist Michael “Flea” Balzary]. The bassist was out of town on tour, but plenty of his friends still came around, giving River easy access to whatever drug he wanted, including heroin. Not that it was all party time: one disagreement led to a drug buddy chasing River through the house with a butcher’s knife.

Soon after that incident, River’s former tutor Dirk Drake came to visit and was extremely concerned by the heroin situation. He told River that he was “furious about the glamour those friends attached to scag.”

To which River replied, “Don’t worry, I have the fear of God.”

That infuriated Drake, who suggested that River should change careers from actor to Baptist preacher. ~ Vanity Fair 


Where was Phoenix when he received the deadly concoction? 

—In the “Viper Room”: a private lounge for the Los Angeles Elite. 

The owner of the Viper Room is Johnny Depp. 

~ Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed; how access to power is granted through the rape, torture, and ritualistic slaughter of the innocent, pp 592, 593, 606, 607 

Joaquin Phoenix, On the Children Of God Cult

Joker (2019), starring Joaquin Phoenix, trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAGVQLHvwOY

The Joker is a version of the Trickster Archetype. 


"When people bring up Children of God, there's always something vaguely accusatory about it," the Her star, now 40, tells the magazine. "It's guilt by association. I think it was really innocent on my parents' part. They really believed, but I don’t think most people see it that way. I've always thought that was strange and unfair."


By Beatriz Garcia  October 9, 2019

His parents were "archbishops" from a Christian sex cult traveling throughout South America in the late 70s, and the family's life was a living hell.
It took a while for his parents to figure out that Children of God's practices and ideals were not beatific at all. 
By then, River - Joaquin's brother, who died by a drug overdose in 1993 - had been "initiated" at a very early age to enlightenment: he was only four when he lost virginity.
As Children of God started forcing women to prostitution to get new believers, the Bottoms decided to quit and move to La Guaira in the state of Vargas along the coast, to try and make a living despite the misery.
Finally, Phoenix's family left Venezuela on a vessel destined for Miami, where they'd seek a new beginning in Florida.
They changed their middle name to "Phoenix" as a symbol of their resurrection from the ashes. 

Joaquin Phoenix: The Contemporary Face of Speciesism—An Organic Move? (More on this later)

Or is there an agenda that inevitably ends with the mixture of Kinds—Man, Woman, Animal?


Since 1856, the name Baphomet has been associated with a "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Eliphas Lévi[5] which contains binary elements representing the "sum total of the universe" (e.g. male and female, good and evil, on and off, etc.).[6] On one hand, Lévi's intention was to symbolize his concept of "the equilibrium of the opposites" that was essential to his magnetistic notion of the Astral Light; on the other hand, the Baphomet represents a tradition that should result in a perfect social order.[7]

Baphomet's Image Creator—Éliphas Lévi

Éliphas Lévi Zahed, born Alphonse Louis Constant (8 February 1810 – 31 May 1875), was a French occult author and ceremonial magician.[1]
In 1832 he entered the seminary of Saint Sulpice to study to enter the Roman Catholic priesthood, but he fell in love and left in 1836 without being ordained. 

"Fell in love and left"? Or was something in Lévi's character discovered that had him placed elsewhere...

... to serve Rome more effectively?

The same can be asked about Joaquin Phoenix.


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