Time Magazine's Climate Crisis for Jesuit IHS—Isis, Horus, Serapis
Time Magazine's IHS*
(WASHINGTON) — Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who helped spark a youth-driven push for climate change, has come to Washington.
Thunberg and about 1,500 protesters, many of them schoolchildren, marched and chanted near the White House on Friday. They are calling for immediate action from the world’s governments to halt global warming, reduce fossil fuel consumption and avert environmental catastrophe.
“You can’t breathe money, you can’t drink oil,” they chanted.
Thunberg, 16, gained international attention by inspiring a series of protests and school strikes. Her activism has drawn a passionate following of children essentially challenging their elders to take action. For veteran environmental activists, that means renewed media attention and a fresh wave of passionate young volunteers pushing for change. ....
Photo by Susan Walsh/AP (square and text added):

Photographic Elements: A Jesuit Sunburst ...

A Globe ...

... and a "Fuck You!"

The Hegelian Dialectic—Who Creates Meaninglessness—a "Vacuum"—in Order to Fill It With Controlled Purpose? Rome.
"... People are angry [about impotent leadership]. I think that [Greta] has really caught on [to] a certain vacuum that was there. You know, it kind of rattled the cage and woke everybody up." ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger
May 28, 2019:
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