
updated November 9, 2019
The Guy Fawkes mask is a symbol of silence, defiance, and intrigue. But what of its origin? Does its so-called contemporary meaning speak the truth of its origin? Or is something else going on here—a condescending mockery from silence, for the naive and/or ignorant masses, from the machine that created the very idea behind the mask?
Who was Guy Fawkes? And why should we remember, remember the fifth of November, 1605?
(the following is an excerpt):
(the following is an excerpt):
Controlled Opposition
Are the Jesuits powerful enough to both create and control their own opposition?
The most ubiquitous symbol of resistance the the New World Order is the Guy Fawkes mask. From the hacker collective known as “Anonymous” to “Occupy Wall Street”, anyone who wishes to strike a blow for freedom while in public demonstration is wearing one.
The masks were popularized by the 2005 movie V for Vendetta.”
This vague reference is all we get to help us answer the question: Who is Guy Fawkes?
The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was an effort by a Jesuit cabal of Catholics*, lead by Fawkes to assassinate James I of England. Jesuit priests Henry Garnet and John Gerard were implicated during the subsequent investigation.
[[The Gunpowder Plot]] was just one of many targeting Protestant England.
The Babington Plot [of 1580] was probably the greatest of the many plots of the pope and the Jesuits during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and [King] James I designed to bring about the downfall of Protestant England, the overthrow of the Reformation in England, Scotland and Ireland, and to place some other claimant upon the Throne who would be acceptable to Rome and committed to bring the English in submission to the sovereignty of Rome.
Between 1569 and 1605 of Gunpowder Plot infamy) there were no less than eleven great plots against Elizabeth and English Protestantism, working toward assassination, rebellion and invasion. Each is known by the name of the leader of the treachery: Ridolfi, Sanders, [Pope] Gregory XIII, [Jesuit priest] Campion, [Jesuit priest Robert] Parsons, the Duke of Guise, [Cardinal] Allen, Throgmorten, Parry, [Anthony] Babington, [Pope] Sixtus V, [King] Philip II of Spain, Yorke, Walpole, Southwell, and Guy Fawkes.
… There can be no doubt whatsoever but that the Pope of Rome was very much interested as well as vitally involved in all of these attempts.
… The Babington Plot [to invade England, to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I, to incite rebellion, and the to place Roman Catholic Mary Stuart on the throne] took its name from Anthony Babington, a young English gentleman … but the real brains behind the conspiracy were the pope [Gregory XIII], Cardinal Allen, the Jesuits, and the Roman Catholic priest named John Ballard.**
Every protestor that dawns a Guy Fawkes mask unknowingly glorifies Jesuit [[subterfuge, deception, hypocrisy, casuistry, sophistry, and]] assassination—certainly by design. ~ Illuminati Unmasked, Johnny Cirucci, pp 409, 410, 411 [Cirucci's additions]; [[Blogger's additions]]
—Guy Fawkes was supposed to be caught—given up by his own. Classic Sun Tzu-ian, Thirteen-Article, Art-of-War "blown cover as cover". The reasons for this will expanded upon in another blog post. In the meantime, check out the November 5th, 2019 Cirucci Team Brief that discusses:
—Guy Fawkes was supposed to be caught—given up by his own. Classic Sun Tzu-ian, Thirteen-Article, Art-of-War "blown cover as cover". The reasons for this will expanded upon in another blog post. In the meantime, check out the November 5th, 2019 Cirucci Team Brief that discusses:
—and much, much more! [with names, places, and dates!]
Rulers of Evil
If we depend solely on dictionary definitions, we learn that the Jesuits are churchmen and teachers of a doubtful moral rectitude who are likely to cheat, trick, plot, scheme, deceive, and confuse us while avoiding to commit themselves verbally. When we study their published moralists, we sense a rather vibrant presence of The Trickster. But in the Society's defence, it must be said these are legitimate character traits for a militia empowered by a declaration of war, and we must remember that [Pope] Paul III's [September 27th, 1540 papal] bull ordaining the Society of Jesus, Reginimi militantis ecclesiae, is just such a declaration. Human life in a declared war becomes subject to the first great rule of war, belli legum dormit, "in war the law sleeps." When the law sleeps, the unarmed priest's only weapons are the intrigue, deceit, equivocation, casuistry, and mental reservation with which the Jesuits have made themselves so notorious and so often despised. ~ Rulers Of Evil; Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies, F. Tupper Saussy, p 82 [emphasis added]
Think of the Jesuit theatre of Martin Scorsese's Silence (2016). Pure propaganda, à la Leni Riefenstahl. The expulsion of the Jesuits from Japan, and more specifically Nagasaki, in the late 16th and 17th century led to the inhumane and catastrophic events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th, respectively, 1945, where Rome used America as her Sword-Arm to deliver swift revenge for the historical and violent expulsion. The Jesuit Order has a long memory. Familiarize yourself with the 4th Vow of Obedience:
"X" for Francis Xavier, Jesuit Order co-founder:

Liam Neeson plays Father Cristóvão Ferreira:
In 1640, four Portuguese ambassadors who had gone from Macao to Nagasaki were called upon to renounce their faith, and when they refused they were executed without further trial. Thirteen of their followers were sent back to Macao with this message: "While the sun warms the earth let no Christian be so bold as to enter into Japan.
Several groups of Jesuits and Dominicans who attempted to enter Japan between 1640 and 1647 were tortured and put to death. Drawn from the oral histories of Japanese Catholic communities, Shusaku Endo's acclaimed historical novel "Silence" provides detailed fictionalized accounts of the persecution of Christian communities and the suppression of the Church.

Martin Scorsese, with Pontifex Maximus Jesuit Pope Francis, on October 23rd, 2018. October 23rd is the birthday of Jesuit Order founder and also its first Superior General, Ignatius Loyola.

Headless + Mask-less ...
Recognize and admire the black masonic tie, the black suit, the white shirt, the "hidden hands," the question mark, the globe symbolism, and most of all: the encompassing Roman Wreath.

... = The Trickster/Joker—the post-post modern "Guy Fawkes Mask"

*The Gunpowder Plot, Bruce Robinson, March 29, 2011, BBC History
**The Babington Plot: Jesuit Intrigue in Elizabethan England, J.E.C. Shepherd, pp 118, 223
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