Monsanto's (Roundup) Glyphosate Destructively Subs As Glycine in Protein Synthesis, Causes Disease?

updated December 1, 2019

Dr Stephanie Seneff Interview Synopsis: Dr Stephanie Seneff on Toxic Glyphosate substituting for Glycine in Protein Synthesis, even from Non-GMO foods; Glyphosate: a cause or major contributor to diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, various cancers, the obesity and diabetes epidemic, IBS, Alzheimer’s, Autism, non-Hodgkins Lymphoma etc; Glyphosate’s effect on the Shikimate Pathway in bacteria, fungi, plants etc.

A Jesuit priest, Eusebio Francisco Kino, who, as a missionary, would have taken the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction or 4th Vow*, was single-handedly credited and named the "Father of the Cattle Business" in the American Southwest. We know the reality, more or less, of industrial livestock production, or, "factory farming"—the system that eventually combined the efficiency of 33º Freemason Henry Ford's** automobile production line and the slaughter of Fr. Kino's legateship: the infinite cattle-herd, raised as quickly as possible, and slaughtered as efficiently as possible. To this process, and to further its efficiency, was added vitamin supplementation, antibiotics, and vaccines.

Intensive animal farming is a relatively recent development in the history of agriculture, and the result of scientific discoveries and technological advances. Innovations from the late 19th century generally parallel developments in mass production in other industries in the latter part of the Industrial Revolution. The discovery of vitamins and their role in animal nutrition, in the first two decades of the 20th century, led to vitamin supplements, which allowed chickens to be raised indoors.[13] The discovery of antibiotics and vaccines facilitated raising livestock in larger numbers by reducing disease. Chemicals developed for use in World War II gave rise to synthetic pesticides. Developments in shipping networks and technology have made long-distance distribution of agricultural produce feasible. ~ Wikipedia***

And speaking of World War II and synthetic pesticides

During the 1950s and '60s, the U.S. Army dusted chosen American cities from coast to coast with a fine powder of a fluorescent, potentially toxic chemical. And now one scientist says, at least in the case of St. Louis, that powder may have contained radioactive material.****

Has the long-view purpose of the industrial livestock production industry been the experimentation and eventual dissemination of toxic chemicals into all living Things?

There's a reason why Jesuit Eusebio Francisco Kino is honoured with a bronze statue in Washington DC, and the legacy of the Cowboy Archetype in Cinema/Kino history. "The Church thinks in centuries..." Today's moment-to-moment animal slaughter is part of the plan—which is why familiarizing yourself with the Jesuit Order's 4th vow of obedience is important.

Eusebio Francis Kino:

Interview with Dr Stephanie Seneff on Glyphosate and Autism:

(transcription from interview portions)


I believe I have the answer [to how Glyphosate can be so destructive in the body]: Glyphosate has an absolutely unique mechanism of toxicity that’s slow, and cumulative. You don’t get hit over the head by it, you don’t get a belly ache; you don’t realize you’re being poisoned, because it’s a slow kill. And the way it does this is through getting into your proteins by mistake in place of the coding amino acid, Glycine—very specific. It’s the only chemical that does this; very unique and very damaging because many proteins have Glycine residues in them that have to absolutely be Glycine in order to for that protein to work properly. And when you swap out Glycine and put Glyphosate in its place, you wreck that protein’s ability to do its job. So you can go and research literature and find the proteins that are going to be most affected by this substitution, and when you do, you find for every single disease you find that’s going up, you can find the proteins that would cause that disease by virtue of Glyphosate disrupting that protein. 


[Glyphosate] was found in the Live-Virus Vaccines … it was found in the ones that had a characteristic that the Live-Virus was grown on a medium that contained Gelatine. Or it could contain Fetal-Bovine Syrum which is the blood of the fetus from a young cow. And I think that Gelatine could be a really critical problem because Gelatine is derived from the ligaments and the bones of cows and pigs, and the cows and pigs are fed heavy doses of Glyphosate in their GMO, Roundup Ready feed. And as we’ve said before, Glyphosate goes into the bone—it accumulates in the bone. And so, Collagen is in bone, and Collagen has tons of Glycine in it. Every third residue—it goes G, X, Y; G, X, Y, where X and Y are wild cards—different amino acids—but G is always Glycine. Every third amino acid in the chain is a Glycine residue, and it needs to be that way in order to form the crystalline structure that gives it its physical properties that make it so [strong and] useful in the bone and in the joints to maintain healthy bones and joints. 


The DNA code codes for Glycine, and … it is a complete Glycine molecule, but it has an extra thing attached to it—it’s Nitrogen—and the [DNA coding] machinery that’s doing [the assembly] doesn’t notice that extra stuff, and it goes ahead and [assembles] it anyway, making a mistake. And that extra stuff makes all the difference because it messes up that protein’s performance. It messes up the way it works. And this is how you can cause Alzheimer’s as well, by the way. There’s Glycine residues in the Alzheimer’s plaque. And they know those Glycine’s are the source of the trouble for the Alzheimer’s plaque, and they don’t understand why they misbehave. It causes the protein to mis-fold, and you get this precipitated plaque that’s associated with Alzheimer’s disease. I think it’s Glyphosate substituting for Glycine in that amyloid-beta plaque. … the Glyphosate is in the protein and it binds to the aluminum in the protein, and you see the aluminum in the plaque. That’s because the Glyphosate has this negative charge; it binds to the aluminum. ....

In Bones, Tendons, Ligaments: Evidence of Compromised Protein Synthesis?

Gymnast Samantha Cerio's double knee dislocation on April 5th, 2019 (due to cleanly tearing her ACL and PCL ligaments in both knees.) Cerio then publicly announced her retirement from gymnastics on Sunday, April 7th.

Mongolian Groom, an elite race horse at the recent Breeder's Cup Classic at the Santa Anita Park in California, was the 37th race horse to be euthanized at Santa Anita this year, as a result of a catastrophic injury. 

Are injuries like these "anomalies," or are they evidence of the near-future "normal"?

Monsanto: Roman Catholic John Francis Queeny's Machine—"Francis" for Jesuit Order's Co-Founder Francis—"X"—Xavier? 

* (excerpt below)

... You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means. ...


At the time that the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction's Supreme Council conferred the Thirty-Third degree on him at age 77, Henry Ford (1863-1947) had been a Mason for 46 years, having been raised in Detroit's Palestine Lodge No. 357 in 1894 at age 31.

On the evening of December 6, 1940, the Supreme Council opened a special meeting to confer the 33° on Henry Ford at the Masonic Temple in Detroit, Michigan.

Henry Ford died on the birthday of Jesuit Order co-founder, Francis Xavier—April 7th, 1947.

Who controls Freemasonry? The Jesuit Order.


****thank you to Johnny Cirucci for the link:

Did Army Spray Harmful Chemicals on US Cities?


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