The Jesuits—Regimini militantis Ecclesiae

For Hearts, Minds, Souls—One And All

September 27th, 1540: Pope Paul III, by papal bull issued Regimini militantis Ecclesiae... and openly, the Counter Reformation began the plot of a centuries-long road to ecumenism—the highly aggressive move from God-ordained decentralized power and authority, dispersed among the nations, to be returned to the authority underneath one spiritual and temporal ruler—pontifex maximus, the pope. This move has continued to this very day, which, ironically, is also God-ordained.

The reason for this aggressive move? The dissemination of the Scriptures, which detailed the history of Creation, the close relationship between Creation and Creator, the Fall of Mankind, the Transgression of the Watchers, the shattering and scattering of the Nations, the Act of Redemption by the Creator Himself—a Hero, and the system of—and the identity of—the Anti-Hero.

The day is approaching, perhaps, when the only historians will be amateurs who study history as self-help, who examine the past in order to make sense of the present and not be caught unprepared by the future.

America’s understanding has been systematically bent to the will of the Church Militant, while the intellectual means for sensing the capture have been disconnected. Most of the content of modern media, whether television, radio, print, film, stage, or web, is state-of-the-art Jesuit ratio studiorum. The Jesuit college is no longer just a chartered institution; it has become our entire social environment — the movies, the mall, the school, the home, the mind. Human experience has become a Spiritual Exercise managed by charismatic spiritual directors who know how to manipulate a democracy’s emotions. Logic, perspective, national memory, and self-discipline are purged to the point that “unbridled emotional responses,” as economist Thomas Sowell put it, “are all we have left.”

Despite its ascendancy over American life, few Americans
[or anyone else, for that matter,] understand the term “Jesuit.” ~ Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies; F. Tupper Saussy, p 74

... I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. .... ~
portion from the Jesuit 4th Vow, or Extreme Oath of Obedience/Induction (emphasis added)

A Jesuit who has been inducted has no will of his own, for he acts, in the manner of a corpse, with blind obedience to his Superior General, the Black Pope. Therefore, if a Jesuit writes a book, it is not his voice, but the voice of the Jesuit Superior General.—

John W. O'Malley SJ (Society of Jesus) writes— 

Epilogue: Looking Back And Looking Ahead

I realize these pages have done little more that glide over the surface of a long and complex history, yet I hope the journey has resulted in a somewhat better understanding of those mysterious creatures, the Jesuits. But the mystery has not been altogether dispelled. The history of the Society of Jesus is not only rich and complex; it is extraordinarily rich and complex. It stretches over centuries, continents, and cultures, in which the Jesuits have played a strikingly wide range of roles.

For that reason the Jesuits resist easy categorization. They are priests but also astronomers. They pledge obedience yet are encouraged to cultivate initiative. They pronounce a solemn vow to be missionaries, yet the largest percentage of them even today are resident schoolmasters. Although they have a reputation for cultivating the high-born and have been the confessors of kings, they have consistently devised means of reaching every stratum of society, with a special concern for the most wretched.

The Jesuits have provoked fear and envy in ways and to a degree not verified in any other Catholic religious order. The phenomenon has produced a large stream a vituperation, at the headwaters of which are the Monita Secreta and the Lettres Provincials. Such works created myths and misunderstandings about the Jesuits that entered so deeply into the public domain that they seem impossible to eradicate. In virtually every Western language the adjective jesuitical means devious, slippery, sinister.

Even for the fair-minded the Jesuits can be difficult to understand because of the changes the order has undergone over the course of the centuries. Some changes were the result of forces from outside. Even such a brief book as this has provided examples of both types of change. ~ The Jesuits: A History From Ignatius to the Present, 2014, John W. O’Malley, SJ, pp 113-114 (emphasis added)

The Superior General of the Jesuit Order or Society of Jesus, at the time John W. O'Malley SJ wrote The Jesuits: A History from Ignatius to the Present, was Peter Hans Kolvenbach.

Alessandro Farnese, or, Pope Paul III and Ignatius Loyola, 1540


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