4/13—Kobe Bryant's "Mamba Day"; 4/13—Asteroid "Apophis 99942" Day, 2029
But is something else going on? Is there a message being telegraphed? Because, as per NASA, Mamba Day in 2029 will be eventful—
The international asteroid research community couldn’t be more excited.
This week at the 2019 Planetary Defense Conference in College Park, Maryland, scientists are gathering to discuss observation plans and science opportunities for the celestial event still a decade away. During a session on April 30, scientists will discuss everything from how to observe the event to hypothetical missions we could send out to the asteroid.
“The Apophis close approach in 2029 will be an incredible opportunity for science,” said Marina Brozović, a radar scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who works on radar observations of near-Earth objects (NEOs). “We’ll observe the asteroid with both optical and radar telescopes. With radar observations, we might be able to see surface details that are only a few meters in size.”
It’s rare for an asteroid of this size to pass by the Earth so close. Although scientists have spotted small asteroids, on the order of 5-10 meters, flying by Earth at a similar distance, asteroids the size of Apophis are far fewer in number and so do not pass this close to Earth as often. (1)
Black Mamba, or Apophis, Sheathed or Unsheathed by the Goddess Nike?
Kobe Bryant's logo, The Sheath, was bestowed upon Bryant in 2003—
—after proving his dominance in the league, Kobe officially became a sponsored Nike Athlete and joined an elite list of Nike Athletes who received their own logo with their signature shoe. (2)
Asteroid "Apophis 99942"? A Backwards Aleister Crowley-esque Anagram for 24-666?
"24", the dead Black Mamba's (Kobe Bryant's) number; "666", Crowley's self-proclaimed title as "The Beast 666"?
Ritual signs are positions assumed by the body, whether physical or astral. Their use is common in Thelemic ritual magick. The following sets of signs were assigned by Aleister Crowley to the various Grades of his order, the A.'.A.'.. The first sets (the Neophyte, elemental grade signs and L.V.X. signs) were derived from the grade signs of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Such signs often have multiple uses and meanings, depending on the context. (3)
The Apophis Pose—
The Apophis Pose—
The "Apophis" Pose, the source of Kobe Bryant's Sheath logo by Nike—
—to Pope Francis' Papal Cross—"Osiris Risen" pose?
Skull and Bones George W. Bush and wife, Laura — in the "Osiris Risen" pose:

The Kobe "COVID" System symbolism—the "descent" of Apophis into Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, above the goddess, Nike:

Kobe's Mamba Ouroboros sign:

Apophis God; Apep
Apophis (also known as Apep) is the Great Serpent, enemy of the sun god Ra, in ancient Egyptian religion. The sun was Ra's great barge which sailed through the sky from dawn to dusk and then descended into the underworld. As it navigated through the darkness of night, it was attacked by Apophis who sought to kill Ra and prevent sunrise. On board the great ship a number of different gods and goddesses are depicted in differing eras as well as the justified dead and all of these helped fend off the serpent.
Ancient Egyptian priests and laypeople would engage in rituals to protect Ra and destroy Apophis and, through these observances, linked the living with the dead and the natural order as established by the gods. Apophis never had a formal cult and was never worshiped, but he would feature in a number of tales dealing with his efforts to destroy the sun god and return order to chaos. Apophis is associated with earthquakes, thunder, darkness, storms, and death, and is sometimes linked to the god Set, also associated with chaos, disorder, storms, and darkness. Set was originally a protector god, however, and appears a number of times as the strongest of the gods on board the sun god's barque, defending the ship against Apophis. (4) [emphasis added]
(Was Set Shem, through whom Jesus of Nazareth would be born—the Genesis 3:15 prophesied Seed of Woman—through Miriam, who would crush the Seed of the Serpent's head?)
Was it not Shem, as Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons states, that executed Nimrod, from which the Set/Osiris/Isis myth draws its truth—that Set cut Osiris into 14 pieces, scattering them into the Nile River; where Isis collecting only 13 pieces, with the missing piece Osiris' penis, which she fashioned and impregnated herself, eventually giving birth to Horus?
(Was Set Shem, through whom Jesus of Nazareth would be born—the Genesis 3:15 prophesied Seed of Woman—through Miriam, who would crush the Seed of the Serpent's head?)
Was it not Shem, as Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons states, that executed Nimrod, from which the Set/Osiris/Isis myth draws its truth—that Set cut Osiris into 14 pieces, scattering them into the Nile River; where Isis collecting only 13 pieces, with the missing piece Osiris' penis, which she fashioned and impregnated herself, eventually giving birth to Horus?
Like Set, Apep was also associated with various frightening natural events such as unexplained darkness such as solar eclipse, storms and earthquakes. They were both linked to the northern sky (a place that the Egyptians considered to be cold, dark and dangerous) and they were both at times associated with Taweret, the demon-goddess. However, unlike Set he was always a force for evil and could not be reasoned with.
... in an alternative depiction inscribed in a number of tombs of private individuals Hathor or Ra is transformed into a cat who slices the huge serpent with a knife. Apep was also represented by a circular ball, the “evil eye” of Apep, being struck by the pharaoh in numerous temple scenes.
Apep was known by many epithets, such as “the evil lizard”, “the encircler of the world”, “the enemy” and “the serpent of rebirth”. He was not worshipped, he was feared, but was possibly the only god (other than The Aten during the Amarna period) who was considered to be all powerful. He did not require any nourishment and could never be completely destroyed, only temporarily defeated. (5) [emphasis added]
Apophis in "Biblical Prophecy"—Thomas R. Horn, "Christian" Author's Charisma Magazine Article, States Apophis Will Impact Earth
...noting his new book, The Wormwood Prophecy: NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-up of End-Time Proportions—
Could this terrifying event actually take place? In my book The Wormwood Prophecy, I predict it will, just over nine years from now. The fiery dragon of chaos is called Apophis, which NASA named after the ancient Egyptian spirit of evil, darkness and destruction. According to legend, it is a malevolent force that cannot be stopped.
I forecast it will directly impact earth on Friday, April 13, 2029. I further prophesy this threat is what the Bible calls Wormwood. ...
In my book you will discover evidence that NASA, the ESA and other national space agencies are involved in a cover-up, fearful that knowledge of what is truly coming will lead to global panic. Some very smart scientists agree with me. And—in just a few short years from now when the secret gets out—multitudes will be on their knees begging God for deliverance from what is coming. (6)

Tom Horn, discussing this on Skywatch TV—
"I intend to share undisclosed facts that are stranger and scarier than most people can comprehend, and it is going to shake the public to the bone. And yes this involves a cover-up of the highest order by national space agencies including NASA." ~ Tom Horn
Skywatch TV's Derek and Sharon Gilbert discuss, with Tom Horn, The Wormwood Prophecy, and if Apophis 99942 is the Biblical Wormwood. Sharon Gilbert poses the question, "Do you think Donald Trump has been briefed on this?" :

So, who is Tom Horn, and what side is he on? Could he have a motive to spread dis-information ... by omission—half-truths? Johnny Cirucci covers this topic in this excellent article found here.

Skywatch TV's Derek and Sharon Gilbert discuss, with Tom Horn, The Wormwood Prophecy, and if Apophis 99942 is the Biblical Wormwood. Sharon Gilbert poses the question, "Do you think Donald Trump has been briefed on this?" :

So, who is Tom Horn, and what side is he on? Could he have a motive to spread dis-information ... by omission—half-truths? Johnny Cirucci covers this topic in this excellent article found here.

For your viewing pleasure, and if you enjoy NASA animations—watch, here, the predicted path of Apophis 99942 as it "transits" the Earth in 2029.
Flat Earth—The UN-Enlightened Regression, or True Illumination?
Considering our actual cosmology—which was re-created and re-branded, en masse, post 1517, when the Scriptures were translated, printed, disseminated amongst the laity against the AD 1229 Council of Toulouse which forbade the reading of the Scriptures (thus, the Dark Ages), and intentionally usurped by the Heliocentric Copernican Model, published in 1543 (thus, the "Enlightenment")—which can be verified with actual experiments while utilizing the Scientific Method.
Consider how dangerous the Bible was and is as it describes the place in which we live, with our Creator in very close and very intimate proximity, as illustrated by Logos Bible Software—its copyrighted 2012 graphic below—where beyond-erudite "Christian" author and speaker, Dr Michael Heiser, is scholar-in-residence:
The False-Reality Globe-Earth Matrix
I have covered the subject matter in previous blog posts. The best summary anywhere for the Who, What, Where, When, Why, How? false-reality-matrix is the collaboration between friend and author Johnny Cirucci and MIGMAG youtube channel with Flat Earth: Jesuits Erasing Our History video.
The WHO flag, a flat Earth covered with the double-cross, the Rod of Asclepius, and encircled in the Corona Triumphalis—
and the UN flag—
Asteroid Asclepius 4581 and the "National Near Miss Day" — 3/22, 3/23, 1989
A massive asteroid (4581 Asclepius) nearly hit the earth in 1989. This day is commemorated annually on March 23 as people across the nation celebrate National Near Miss Day.
On March 22-23, 1989, a mountain-sized asteroid came within 500,000 miles of colliding with the earth. “On the cosmic scale of things, that was a close call,” said Dr. Henry Holt. Geophysicists estimate that collision with Asclepius would release energy comparable to the explosion of a 600 megaton atomic bomb. On March 31, 1989, nine days after its closest approach to Earth, the asteroid was discovered. (º)
The Power of One Asking Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
Why question "teachers", religious or otherwise, "authority figures", and those that illuminate our present "reality"?
—because there is no observable nor measurable curvature of the Earth, and they—Rome—have a 500-year vested interest of procuring the false-reality globe-earth matrix.
I wonder what photographer Elias Chasiotis thinks about the Earth, with its lack of observable curvature. Chasiotis, submitted a sequence of stunning photos, captured on December 26th, 2019, that can be found here.

So, if there is indeed a Firmament, and the space and space-travel narrative is contrived, what "event" is planned for ex-#24 "Mamba Day" or on April 13th, 2029, and is it related, somehow, to the "Coronavirus", of "Kobe"/"COVID"-19?
A "fly-by"?
An "impact"—
—possibly an "extinction-level event"?

Question. Observe. Test. Because you have to.

The Eater of Dagon
Take heart—there's a reason, I believe, that the only explicitly documented meal that Jesus of Nazareth ate was honeycomb and broiled fish, in Luke 24:41-43. I believe that this recorded event is Scripture alludes to Samson and his unique, Christ-type role, the Philistines—out of whom came the six-fingered giant and champion, Goliath—and Jesus' victory on the Cross at Golgotha—the "place of the skull". Whose skull? Goliath of Gath's skull.
In Luke 24:41-43, the resurrected Jesus eats the Fish-god, Dagon ... or Apophis ... or Asclepius ... or Apollo.
Pick the name. He's done like dinner.

Enter the Hollywood inversion—white is black; black is white.

In 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Godzilla—the Black Pope figure—eats the hydra-like Ghidorah. The awesome scene is punctuated by the character of Dr Rick Stanton:
"Jesus. Good thing he's on our side."
An even greater example, the Jesuit-figure, Neo, from The Matrix Trilogy—

—as explored in this earlier blogpost.
And it is True—Good thing He, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God, is on our side.
Whose side are you on?

To be continued...
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