Coronavirus to Corona Triumphalis, Dr Li Wenliang, Aleister Crowley, "COVID"/Kobe Bryant, the WHO, and NASA
December 30th (1):
AD 39 – Titus, Roman emperor
1873 – Al Smith, American lawyer and politician, 42nd Governor of New York*
1975 – Tiger Woods, American golfer
1984 – LeBron James [or "King James"], American basketball player, producer and businessman
274 – Pope Felix I
1591 – Pope Innocent IX
2006 – Saddam Hussein, Iraqi general and politician, 5th President of Iraq [death by execution/hanging]
1916 – Russian mystic and advisor to the Tsar Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was murdered by a loyalist group led by Prince Felix Yusupov. His frozen, partially-trussed body was discovered in a Moscow river three days later.
1993 – Israel establishes diplomatic relations with Vatican City and also upgrades to full diplomatic relations with Ireland.
2019 – Whistleblower “Dr Li Wenliang [a member of the Communist Party of China, as per his Wikipedia page] sent a message to his medical-school alumni group on December 30 warning that seven patients had been quarantined at Wuhan Central Hospital after coming down with a respiratory illness that seemed like the SARS coronavirus. The police in Wuhan then reprimanded and silenced Li, requiring him to sign a letter acknowledging that he was ‘making false comments.’”
…”During the fight against the novel coronavirus outbreak, Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at our hospital, was infected. Efforts to save him were ineffective. He died at 2:58 a.m. on Feb. 7[, the birthday of Sir Thomas Moore]. We deeply regret and mourn his death," the post said. (2) [emphasis added]
Born on October 12, 1986, Dr Li Wenliang was 33 years old. Some sources stated that Dr Li Wenliang was 34, and that he died on February 7th, 2020. However, a South Morning China Post article states that Wenliang died on February 6 [also the birthday of Ronald Wilson Reagan] aged 33, after contracting the previously unknown coronavirus.
The article also quotes Li Wenliang as stating “I compared [my behaviour] with the Communist Party’s constitution, party regulations and the spirit of a series of speeches [by party leaders], reflected on myself, and made profound self-criticism,” Li, a [Communist] party member, wrote in the statement dated December 31.
Note that Dr Li Wenliang shared a birthday with the self-proclaimed "Beast 666", and "wickedest man in the world," and amongst other things, the founder of Thelema, Aleister Crowley.
Recent research from Nick, at En Goodz Youtube channel, uncovers that Crowley, himself, was an ordained Jesuit priest.
Wuhan Central Hospital has Roman Catholic history—
Wuhan Central Hospital, founded in 1880, was formerly known as Hankou Catholic Church Hospital; after 139 years of construction and development, the hospital has now become a large modern tertiary hospital integrating medical, scientific research, teaching, prevention and training hospital. ~
Another doctor, Peng Yinhua, 29, died at another Roman Catholic hospital in Wuhan—
A young Chinese doctor who postponed his wedding to help battle the coronavirus died from the disease on Thursday, China's official Xinhua news agency said.
Peng Yinhua, 29, was treating patients at the center of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan's Jiangxia district. Peng was admitted to the hospital after contracting the virus on January 25.
A statement from the hospital obtained by The Guardian said Peng was sent to Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan for emergency treatment when his condition dramatically worsened. He died on Thursday night.
Peng planned to marry his partner, who has not been named in reports, during the Lunar New Year holiday, but they agreed to delay the ceremony so that Peng could help treat people with the coronavirus, Chinese state media said. ~ Business Insider
Peng, who had been featured in state media previously for delaying his wedding to continue working, was admitted to hospital on 25 January. His condition dramatically worsened by 30 January, when he was sent to the Jinyintan hospital in Wuhan for emergency treatment. He died on Thursday at 9.50pm, according to a statement from his hospital. ~ The Guardian
1880 – Douglas MacArthur, American general, Medal of Honor recipient (d. 1964)
1944 – Jerry Sandusky, American football coach and [sexual deviant and Pedocracy gate-keeper] criminal
2020 – Kobe Bryant [devout Roman Catholic], American basketball player [born August 23rd, 1978]
1564 – The Council of Trent establishes an official distinction between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.
1998 – Lewinsky scandal: On American television, U.S. President Bill Clinton [trained at Jesuit Georgetown] denies having had "sexual relations" with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Just a funny a joke, right?
Just a funny a joke, right?
The WHO Names Coronavirus "COVID-19" on February 11th, 2020
Founded on Jesuit Order co-founder Francis Xavier's birthday—April 7th, 1948—the WHO has interesting symbolism:
Similar to the United Nations symbol, a Roman crown, or Corona Triumphalis wreath, encircling a double-cross or Mark of Cain (the top-down view symbol of Roman Fasces?) over the Azimuthal Equidistant projection, with the Rod of Asclepius in the centre:

Francis Xavier had a remarkable relationship with China, the first critical approach that Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci would soon grossly capitalize—
The travels of St. Francis Xavier covered such distances that really showed his missionary zeal. In fact, he went all the way to Japan, where he apparently arrived as the first ["]Christian["] missionary in history. St. Francis Xavier traveled and preached on the territories of what are now Japan, Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka, and his great desire was to preach in China. He went there in 1552 and reached the island Shangchuan, not far from the present-day Hong Kong. While waiting for transport to the mainland on this day, he died, in all probability from a fever caused by a disease. (X)
The emblem of the Communist Party of China, encircled by a Corona Triumphalis crown—

Mystery Babylon—now Rome—who created and perfected Communism in South American Reductions, spoon-fed the principles to Karl Marx, owns China—the East—just as She owns and controls America, and the West. For example, Donald John Trump was educated, Ratio Studiorum, at Jesuit Fordham U.—covered in a recent post:
Anyone with any familiarity of the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction, or Fourth Vow, will understand how to read between the lines of popular recorded and presented history.
We must remember, China, the home of Confucius, also gave us Sun-Tzu's 13 Articles/Art of War, "translated" by Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot in 1772, one year before the Papal Brief, issued on July 21st, 1773—Dominus ac Redemptor—by Pope Clement XIV.
All warfare is based on deception. ~ Sun-Tzu, Art of War, Chapter 1—Laying the Plans, point #18
We must also remember that any ordained Jesuit has sworn to have no will of his own, to act in the manner of a corpse—"perinde ac cadaver"—to blindly obey, without question, the will of his Superior General. By direct deduction, the absolutely brilliant Chinese-to-French "translation" that Amiot produced was actually the voice of Lorenzo Ricci, the 18th Jesuit Superior General, silently spread over the Flat Earth, to Jesuit Missionaries, far and wide, to prepare for the suppression, and for the surfacing in America.
We must remember, China, the home of Confucius, also gave us Sun-Tzu's 13 Articles/Art of War, "translated" by Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot in 1772, one year before the Papal Brief, issued on July 21st, 1773—Dominus ac Redemptor—by Pope Clement XIV.
All warfare is based on deception. ~ Sun-Tzu, Art of War, Chapter 1—Laying the Plans, point #18
We must also remember that any ordained Jesuit has sworn to have no will of his own, to act in the manner of a corpse—"perinde ac cadaver"—to blindly obey, without question, the will of his Superior General. By direct deduction, the absolutely brilliant Chinese-to-French "translation" that Amiot produced was actually the voice of Lorenzo Ricci, the 18th Jesuit Superior General, silently spread over the Flat Earth, to Jesuit Missionaries, far and wide, to prepare for the suppression, and for the surfacing in America.
February 11th?
On February 11, 2020 the World Health Organization announced an official name for the disease that is causing the current outbreak of coronavirus disease, COVID-19. CDC will be updating our website and other CDC materials to reflect the updated name. (4)
February 11th, 1929 was the date of the Lateran Treaty, the day the Papal "head-wound"—delivered on February 20th, 1798, when General Louis Alexandre Berthier, under Napoleon Bonaparte, took Pope Pius VI captive, effectively ending Papal temporal authority, dissolving the Papal states—was "healed".
More recently, on February 11th, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his official Papal resignation—a move that opened the door for Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be the first Jesuit Pope as Pope Francis I, to take over the Papacy as the 266th Vicar of Christ.
Google, the go-to search engine that has the same birthday as the Society of Jesus/Jesuit Order—September 27th—has a message, perhaps, about "COVID"-19?
Below, using Google translate: "covid" from English to Hebrew, then from Hebrew to English, results in "Kobe". (Thank you to KJ Ozborne for that!)

COVID-19 Vaccine? (paving the way for enforced, mandatory vaccinations?)
New York Post reported on February 20th, 2020, that—
[a]Texas-based genetic engineering company has finished developing a coronavirus vaccine, according to new reports. ...
The vaccine is the product of an $18.9 million contract Greffex received in September 2019 from the National Institute of Health’s National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, aimed at fighting infectious threats, the Business Journal reported.
More recently, on February 11th, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his official Papal resignation—a move that opened the door for Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be the first Jesuit Pope as Pope Francis I, to take over the Papacy as the 266th Vicar of Christ.
Google, the go-to search engine that has the same birthday as the Society of Jesus/Jesuit Order—September 27th—has a message, perhaps, about "COVID"-19?
Below, using Google translate: "covid" from English to Hebrew, then from Hebrew to English, results in "Kobe". (Thank you to KJ Ozborne for that!)

COVID-19 Vaccine? (paving the way for enforced, mandatory vaccinations?)
New York Post reported on February 20th, 2020, that—
[a]Texas-based genetic engineering company has finished developing a coronavirus vaccine, according to new reports. ...
The vaccine is the product of an $18.9 million contract Greffex received in September 2019 from the National Institute of Health’s National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, aimed at fighting infectious threats, the Business Journal reported.
Wuhan-400/Coronavirus Telegraphed Like 9/11 by Roman Catholic Novelist and Part-Time Porn Author in 1981, Dean Koontz? (thank you to Sofia Smallstorm.)—
Koontz has been hailed as a writer who keeps people awake at night—because he is compulsively readable and because he scares readers so deeply that they cannot sleep. (XX)
— even had to cover this one.
Dean Ray Koontz (born July 9, 1945) is an American author. … Koontz wrote under a number of pen names earlier in his career, including "David Axton", "Deanna Dwyer" , "K.R. Dwyer" , "Leigh Nichols", and "Brian Coffey". He has published over 105 novels, a number of novellas and collections of short stories, and has sold over 450 million copies of his work.
Koontz was born on July 9, 1945, in Everett, Pennsylvania, the son of Florence (née Logue) and Raymond Koontz.[3][4] He has said that he was regularly beaten and abused by his alcoholic father, which influenced his later writing, as also did the courage of his physically diminutive mother in standing up to her husband.[5] In his senior year at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, he won a fiction competition sponsored by Atlantic Monthly magazine.[6] After graduation in 1967, he went to work as an English teacher at Mechanicsburg High School in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.[3] In the 1960s, Koontz worked for the Appalachian Poverty Program, a federally funded initiative designed to help poor children.
Seeing the Catholic faith as a contrast to the chaos in his family, Koontz converted in college because it gave him answers for his life, admiring its "intellectual rigor" and saying it permits a view of life that sees mystery and wonder in all things.[8][9] He says he sees Catholicism as English writer and Catholic convert G.K. Chesterton did: that it encourages a "joy about the gift of life".[8] Koontz says that spirituality has always been part of his books, as are grace and our struggle as fallen souls, but he "never get[s] on a soapbox".
A number of letters, articles, and novels were ostensibly written by Koontz during the 1960s and 1970s, but he has stated he did not write them. These include 30 erotic novels, allegedly written together by Koontz and his wife Gerda, including books such as Thirteen and Ready!, Swappers Convention, and Hung, the last one published under the name "Leonard Chris".
"During my first six years as a full-time novelist {..} I wrote a lot of ephemeral stuff; anything that would pay some bills {..} I did Gothic romance novels under a pen-name {..} Like many writers, I did some pornography too, and a variety of other things, none of which required me to commit my heart or my soul to the task. (5) [emphasis added]
Roman Catholicism and porn—reminds us of the infamous Bob Guccione, founder of Penthouse Magazine.
Roman Catholicism and porn—reminds us of the infamous Bob Guccione, founder of Penthouse Magazine.
A frustrated artist who once attended a Catholic seminary, Guccione started Penthouse in 1965 in England to subsidize his art career and was the magazine’s first photographer. He introduced the magazine to the American public in 1969 at the height of the feminist movement and the sexual revolution. (XXX)
Netflix'n'Chill Panopticon—Free Porn and Camming for Cruise Ship Quarantined
An adult website has proposed a way to help quarantined cruise-ship passengers pass the time: watching pornography.
Miami-based company CamSoda has extended an offer some may not be able to refuse, allowing quarantined passengers full, complimentary access to their webcam services, Fox Business reports.
“They are not only dealing with the fear of [Coronavirus] infection, which is terrifying, but boredom,” Daryn Parker, CamSoda’s vice president, said in a statement. “We like cruises just as much as the next guy, but without activities or human interaction, the boredom must be crippling.”
The release continued: “In an effort to keep their minds off of the coronavirus and to help with the boredom, we’re offering passengers and crews the ability to have fun in a safe and controlled environment with camming.” (XXXX)
What better way to openly experiment on international tourists, where some are/were kept, mostly, in sepsis-promoting biological darkness—without access to fresh air and direct, antiseptic sunlight—subjected to conditioned, recirculated air, controlled food rations, and limited access to outside air and direct sunlight, being held, longterm, under stress, in personal rooms, being subjected to the additional burden from wireless EMF radiation, and being placated by porn.
Dana Ashlie, via her Youtube channel, presents and asks excellent questions regarding implemented 60 GHz wireless technology, its effects on the human body, and the possible relationship with Coronavirus.
Note Ren Zhengfei, Founder and CEO of Huawei Technologies Co, like the late Coronavirus whistleblower Li Wenliang, is a member of the Chinese Communist Party.
On December 1, 2018, Ren Zhengfei's daughter, Meng Whanzou, was arrested at Vancouver International Airport by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the request of the United States for allegedly defrauding multiple financial institutions in breach of US imposed bans on dealing with Iran. ~ Wikipedia
Meng Whanzou is currently under "house arrest" in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada:
Dana Ashlie, via her Youtube channel, presents and asks excellent questions regarding implemented 60 GHz wireless technology, its effects on the human body, and the possible relationship with Coronavirus.
Note Ren Zhengfei, Founder and CEO of Huawei Technologies Co, like the late Coronavirus whistleblower Li Wenliang, is a member of the Chinese Communist Party.
On December 1, 2018, Ren Zhengfei's daughter, Meng Whanzou, was arrested at Vancouver International Airport by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the request of the United States for allegedly defrauding multiple financial institutions in breach of US imposed bans on dealing with Iran. ~ Wikipedia
Meng Whanzou is currently under "house arrest" in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada:
Vancouver's Archdiocese Coat of Arms:
British Columbia's flag (note the Jesuit sun, and the double-cross):
Covid/Kobe Bryant, the Sacrificial G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time)
Venezuelan Arturo Sosa, the current Jesuit Superior General, in China (in front of a statue of the renowned and respected Matteo Ricci, the Jesuit missionary who reformed the Chinese Calendar in the 17th century) in July 2019—
—Whose ideas?
Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist [or Jesuit Superior General] only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.
~ Sun-Tzu, Art of War, Tactical Dispositions, point #15
(Batman, or the Dark Knight, though an Archetype of the Jesuit Superior General or Black Pope, is the literal and earthly anti-thesis of the True Superior General, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Ultimate Redeemer.)
To be continued...
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