Health Part 2: Where Do "Viruses" Come From? The Role of Mold; Animal Domestication = Parasite Domestication, Integration, and Exchange

Continuing the exploration of health  topics and sources of illness and disease, what follows—further information from the controversial and late Canadian doctor, Hulda Clark—caught my attention, specifically, because the first "vaccine" for smallpox was administered by a Freemason*, Edward Jenner, on May 14th, 1796. May 14th just happens to be the feast day for St. Victor and St. Corona.  

Jenner's first smallpox vaccination also took place almost two years prior to the Napoleon-delivered head-wound to the Papacy in 1798. Napoleon Bonaparte was also a Freemason.

Edward Jenner also shares January 26th, as a death-day anniversary, with ... Kobe Bryant.

For centuries it was popular to use in medical "treatments" heavy metals, first administered orally, then, eventually, subcutaneously via syringe. 

It is important to note, also, the timing of the popularization of the domestication of animals—notably cats and dogs. For example, Carl Linnaeus named the domestic cat Felis catus in 1758 as the popularity in keeping and caring for a cat, in house re-emerged, symbolic with class and status

It is also important to note the intimate interaction by men, from distant locations, with multiple animal species' blood, entrails, parasites, and skins during the historical explosion of the fur trade (mass wholesale slaughter of unclean animals) which began approximately in the late 15th century during the Age of Discovery and Renaissance. This portion of information is relevant for what I am about to present from Dr Hulda Clark's work in the forthcoming paragraphs—

[Adenovirus, source of “The Common Cold”; italics suspended, for ease of reading]

The fascinating story of how we really “catch” a cold kept me [Dr Hulda Clark] spellbound of a year. … It is now apparent to me that Adenovirus isn’t our (a human) [“]virus[“] at all! It belongs to other parasites. Parasites as varied as tapeworm stages and mites. Perhaps it belongs to many other parasites, as well. My evidence comes from a tapeworm stage, cysticercus of Diphyllobothrium erinacea, the mites Sarcoptes and Dermatophagoides, and our own colon bacteria, E. coli. … If you have a household pet, you will always be able to find a tapeworm stage in your sponge or in a dust sample you collect from the table or kitchen counter …. [After inhaling or eating,] the tape eggs hatch into the cysticercus stage, which promptly gets to the liver, Sometimes it gets to other organs, like the muscles, the spleen, the pancreas. Presumably, the liver screened it out of the blood originally.  … Will you really get this cold? Will it become a full blown cold of the usual kind? … Yes, this “baby cold” will develop into a full blown cold if, but only if, you have mold in you! ….

Molds and Colds

This is part two of the cold story. You may have Adenoviruses quietly slipping in to your blood stream and tissues from a tapeworm stage or mite you inhaled, or E. coli bacteria that strayed into your tissues, and which is being slowly killed by your immune system. Your immune system can keep up with them quite easily provided you don’t have a mold in you at the same time. The significance of the mold is that it lowers your immunity, specifically and generally. 

Mold eluded, is health improved.

This has already been studied extensively for a number of food molds. There are a variety of ways that mold toxins lower immunity. Some simply kill white blood cells. Others seem to “bind and gag” them so they can’t go about eating viruses. So with mold toxins present, Adenovirus, fleeing the dead tapeworm stage, mite, or E. coli is not gobbled up. It has time to get to its favourite organ and enter the cells there. It may get in your lungs if they’re full of arsenic or formaldehyde, in your throat if it’s full of mercury from your [tooth] fillings, in your spinal cord if it’s full of thallium. Sometimes you feel the viral attack. Sometimes you don’t 

One place you do feel an attack is in your respiratory tract: lungs, bronchi, sinuses, nose, Eustachian tubes, inner ear, eyes or head. And the size of the attack depends on whether you recently ate moldy food.

Human food (in general, in the U.S.) is very, very moldy. We do not taste it because manufacturers have been using more and more flavourings in food. This covers up small amounts of mold or “off” flavour. Measures to reduce mold are not effective enough. 


What is the best way to prevent a cold? Stop eating moldy food. We were never meant to eat rotting, spoiling food. We were meant to be repelled by the bad odour, the bad appearance, the bad taste. 

What about exposure to a cold? Won’t you catch one of you’re in a roomful of coughing, sneezing people? Or you shake hands with a coughing, sneezing person? Or you drink from the same glass as a person with a cold? …

Yes, you will catch the [“]virus[“], but you won’t get sick. If you are tracking Adenovirus using the electronic techniques in this book, you will see that it infects you immediately after eating coughed-on food. It stays in you about twenty minutes. Then it disappears, evidently eaten up by your white blood cells, provided there is no mold toxin you. But if you do have a mold toxin in you, the [“]virus[“] spreads, multiplies and gives you a cold! 


Yes,you will catch the [“]virus,[“] but you won’t get sick…. But if you do have a mold toxin in you, the [“]virus[“] spreads, multiples and gives you a cold!  ….


Your body can eliminate any virus in a short time, such as hours or days. It can even keep up with a steady stream that is coming from tapeworm stages!  

Let us apply these new insights to several diseases we are familiar with. Let us speculate what could really be happening. 

Epstein Barre Virus (EBV) is a mysterious disease because in spite of building up of antibodies, it attacks repeatedly. I only see EBV it the person also has Eurytrema (pancreatic fluke) in the pancreas. When the fluke is gone, I no longer find EBV in the white blood cells. This suggests that the virus comes from the fluke. As each fluke dies and is finally removed, the body’s white blood cells can catch up with the viruses and you begin to feel better again, which can be as quick as one day. But reinfection with an EBV-carrying Eurytrema (plus a wood alcohol containing beverage to allow the fluke to go to the pancreas) can spark the next recurrence. 

Shingles is a recurrence of chicken pox. I always find Ascaris [a roundworm] in persons with shingles! Herpes Zoster (the shingles/chicken pox virus) is known to hide in nerve cells. Perhaps Ascaris [worms] facilitates it’s release, or simply suppresses the immune system in a way that allows it to suddenly multiply. 

Polio was once a scourge. At that time, we can theorize that a new large parasite was making its appearance. Was a new animal association taking place in the early 1900’s? Life was indeed becoming more urban with horse manure on all streets. Owning a dog for a house pet was becoming an acceptable lifestyle. Could the tapeworms of these animals give us a tapeworm take that hosts polio [“]virus[“]? Many polio suffered also had migraines. These are caused by Strongyloides, a horse threadworm. Does Strongyloides host polio virus? 

The HIV virus infects is during the time the intestinal fluke, Fasciolopis buskii, is being hosted. Persons test negative to HIV shortly after the fluke and its stages are eliminated. 

Coxsackie viruses give us some of our encephalitises. I never see Coxsackie viruses without the bacteria, Bacteroides fragilis, and I never see Bacteroides fragilis without Ascaris (a roundworm.) We may be deriving viruses from all the roundworms, flukes, tapeworms and bacteria that infect us! It would be a fascinating study, simply to examine each of these parasites singly, searching for their viruses with an electron microscope. They could also be searched for using immunological methods. 

It is a time of great change for this planet as pollution spreads from pole to pole. The growth of industrial activity, mining, chemical manufacturing, the food “industry,” and personal habits like smoking have spread new chemicals to every corner of the globe. The element polonium, which is radioactive and in tobacco smoke, is harmful to human lungs, but may not be harmful to a small lung parasite, like Pneumocystis carnii

Benzene, zich is a solvent and extremely harmful to humans, mayn’t be harmful to fluke parasites living within us. Propyl alcohol facilitates the intestinal fluke but is toxic to us. Parasites are doing abnormal things. It this because of pollution? 

The tables are gradually being turned against us in favour of our parasites and pathogens. Such large changes are called evolutionary. Is the human species doomed, or will some of us “adapt?” ….


What is so important about molds? Some of them produce very, very toxic chemicals wherever they grow. They produce some of the most toxic chemicals known to exist. Aflatoxin is one of these. My tests show it is always present in cancer patients; in other words it has built up due to the body’s inability to detoxify it in a reasonable time. ….

Aflatoxin reaches the liver and simply kills portions of it. After a hefty dose the liver is weakened for a long time—possibly years. Hepatitis and cirrhosis cases always reveal aflatoxin. The liver fights hard to detoxify aflatoxin and manage its own survival. ….

Since all foods have both their own and others’ molds, there must be thousands of molds. ….


Zearalenone, an anabolic and uterotrophic metabolite, is frequently found in commercial cereal grains and in processed foods and feeds, and is often reported as causative agent of naturally occurring hyperestrogenism and infertility in swine, poultry, and cattle.

What this means is, in animals, “zear” looks like estrogen to the body. Does it affect humans the same way? Are high estrogen levels a problem for us? I find nearly every breast cancer case shows a too-high estrogen level for years before the cancer is found! It starts females maturing too early, too. It could cause PMS, ovarian cysts and infertility. Not everybody gets all these effects. And what is the effect on men and boys of eating an estrogen-like mycotoxin in their daily diet? This female hormone could have a drastic effect on the maturing process even in small amounts. 

Zearalenone (“Zear”) and aflatoxin both have immune lowering effects. Zearalenone can induce thymic atrophy and macrophage activation. If you have low immunity (low T-cells, low white blood cell count, etc) immediately go off moldy foods. 

“Zear” is the mycotoxin that prevents you from detoxifying benzene. Every AIDS sufferer I see has a crippled ability to detoxify benzene; they also have Zear!  ….


A food mold that causes strange feelings and behaviour is ergot. Although laws regulate the amount of ergot allowed in foods, this is not enough protection. Ergo toxins, for example LSD, are active in extremely minute (less than a microgram, about one thousandth of a fly speck) quantities. They are not destroyed by heat and are especially toxic to children. ….

Ergot toxicity could explain “Jekyll and Hyde” behaviour in children, commonly attributed to “allergies.” In fact, the mechanism, inability by the liver to keep up with detoxification, fits well into the “allergic” concept. …. Ergot can make you super religious, hearing voices of command or threat. Ergot also causes seizures

Kojic Acid

Kojic Acid is a mycotoxin that appears to be responsible for wood alcohol build up. In other words, the toxic effect prevents you from detoxifying wood alcohol. This leads to pancreas damage, invites pancreatic fluke infestation, and typically results in diabetes. ….

T-2 Toxin

T-2 Toxin is a mold I have found in all cases of high blood pressure and kidney disease. ….

~ Dr Hulda Clark, Ph.D, N.D., The Cure for All Diseases, 1995, New Century Press, ISBN 1-890035-01-7, pp 351, 352, 353, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 368, 370, 371, 372, 382, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388 [some bold text added for emphasis], used with permission from the author's note, copyright 1995

*Who created and who controls Freemasonry?


  1. Very interesting, it fills up some of the holes in how a gay man after 30 years stops being gay after detoxing. On YT "Turpentine Cured Me From Being Gay" He did use several other remedies as well.
    It is probably a parasite that somehow take over one's brain.
    Md. Jennifer Daniels is also into the parasite problem.
    It is funny how all roads lead to Rome.


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