Hawkeye's Notes — Equalizer 3: Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the Black Pope

The Equalizer 3 (beginning only) 
- film has World Premier in Rome, Italy, on 28 August 2023 
- director Antoine Fuqua believes “in God”; which god? 

The film opens with imagery revealing that high-intensity violence and slaughter has occurred; we arrive with the initial antagonist to find Jesuit-trained (at Fordham U.) Denzel Washinton, as Robert McCall, seated in a chair in a type of wine cellar. He sits between two men who point their firearms at him. McCall is seated before a hanging crucifix on the wall. The entire scene represents Jesus’ crucifixion, with a man on either side of Him, each about to die; all present are about to die at the hands of McCall. 

Note: McCall’s wedding ring on his right hand, ring finger (wedding ring on right hand is common in Europe). This could also symbolize YHWH’s Right Hand, Jesus, His Son. 

Also note the bottle of wine and empty, unused glass, symbolic of the wine/vinegar offered to Jesus during the crucifixion. Jesus refused the wine/vinegar. This is the cup that Jesus prayed for/against in the Garden of Gethsemane, a reference to the cup of the adulteress of Numbers 5.

Robert McCall is dressed in black, yet is lit, gleaming white, almost over-exposed for the effect. McCall is of no color except black and white. McCall murders every person present, removes/takes the keys from the initial antagonist’s (the old man in white’s) belt.
- McCall, as a Christ-type, descended into Tartarus/Hell, returned holding the keys to death and hell/hades (1Peter 3:18-22, 2 Peter 2:4-8, Revelation 1:18) 
- McCall has carte blanche for each death, for we remember that he is "moral"—he rescued a child at the beginning of Equalizer 2, is a "good samaritan" 
- Upon exiting the cellar and building, McCall is shot in the back and wounded by a child. This is reminiscent of the shootout in The Book of Eli, where Denzel Washington’s character gets shot in the back (by a character played by the late Ray Stevenson), but is divinely protected: https://youtu.be/ApCmY8JLRhw?si=HPfWnjGQdDrzvact&t=174 
- McCall, wounded and weakening, considers giving himself a mortal head-wound, acts it out, but does not follow through

Denzel Washington, in black, as Robert McCall, sits "Ex-Cathedra", mirrored by Justice, the goddess Themis, "divine law":


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