Spotlight Subterfuge in Journalism and Cinema

updated December 15th, 2019

The Subterfuge:

The 2015 Spotlight film, based on the 2001 Boston Globe Spotlight team’s outing and of former Roman Catholic priest John Geoghan (after he was already defrocked in 1998, by Pope John Paul II) that falsely impressed:

- the narrative revolves around one priest, the defrocked John Geoghan, and Cardinal Bernard Francis Law

- the abuse only happened in the Archdiocese of Boston

- the abuse was an accident and an oversight by Church hierarchy

- the assured independence of journalists and journalism, as proved by the Spotlight team

The Reality:

- the requirement/vow of celibacy ensures sexual deviancy among the priesthood

- trusted priests have almost unlimited access to innocent children and therefore attracts those who are sexually attracted to children

- the consistent, safeguarded system in place to move priests around from parish to parish, archdiocese to archdiocese, ensures pedophile priests have maximum exposure to vulnerable children; Johnny Cirucci and Doc Felipe called this the “Pedo-Shuffle”

- knowledge of sexual abuse goes to the very top of the church hierarchy, right to the pope

- ALL "journalism" is owned

Catholic Sexual Predators Run "Journalism" Through Jews For Rome—a Johnny Cirucci Special Report:

Note, Johnny Cirucci wrote what should be a Criminology 101 textbook:

Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed; how access to power is granted through the rape, torture, and ritualistic slaughter of the innocent:

The Result: 

In 2003, Geoghan was “murdered” in prison by John Druce. Druce, while in the same unit as Geoghan, was serving a sentence of life without possibility of parole for killing a man who allegedly made sexual advances toward him.” ~

Where did Druce murder Geoghan? In Geoghan’s cell.

A likely “coincidence”? 

Actor Stanley Tucci, as Boston lawyer Mitch Garabedian, to actor Mark Ruffalo, as Mike Rezendes:

"... They [The Roman Catholic Church] control everything.":

Another scene with Mitch Garabedian and Mike Rezendes: 

"Your new editor[, Marty Baron] is a Jew, right?"

Marty Baron's first delegated assignment as Boston Globe's new executive editor, in July, 2001:

In July 2001 Baron succeeded Matthew V. Storin as executive editor of The Boston Globe.[8][9] Baron's editorial term at the Globe shifted the paper's coverage from international events towards locally centered investigative journalism. The Globe's coverage of the Boston Catholic sexual abuse scandal earned it a Pulitzer Prize in 2003.[3][6]

In 2012, Baron was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[10]

In January 2013, Baron took over as executive editor of The Washington Post, succeeding Marcus Brauchli.[11]

—Marty Baron's first act as executive editor for the Boston Globe was to go after the Roman Catholic Church. A coincidence? 

What Happened to Cardinal Bernard Law?

In May 2004, Pope John Paul II appointed Law to a post in Rome, as Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, a sinecure with only ceremonial duties.[35] Some saw this an attempt to shield Law from potential criminal prosecution as his new position conveyed citizenship in Vatican City. [36]

Law died in Rome on December 20, 2017, after long illness and brief hospitalization, at the age of 86.[5][40] His funeral rites, following the standard for a cardinal who dies in Rome, included Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on December 21 at which Pope Francis said the final prayers.[42][43] Vatican TV did not livestream the Mass as it normally does.[44]

Cardinal Law—“Job, well done”?

Further Summary, from User-Edited Wikipedia:

In 2002, criminal charges were brought against five Roman Catholic priests in the Boston, Massachusetts area (John Geoghan, John Hanlon, Paul Shanley, Robert V. Gale and Jesuit priest James Talbot) who were all convicted and sentenced to prison.[7] The ongoing coverage of these cases by The Boston Globe brought the issue of "sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests" into the national limelight.[2][3][8]

In 2003, The Boston Globe received a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. The newspaper was honored, according to the Pulitzer website, "for its courageous, comprehensive effort that pierced secrecy, stirred local, national and international reaction and produced changes in the Roman Catholic Church."[9]

Grassroots public advocacy groups like Voice of the Faithful focused on Cardinal Bernard Francis Law after documents revealed his extensive role in covering up incidents of sexual misconduct of his priests. For example, Cardinal Law moved Paul Shanley and John Geoghan from parish to parish within the diocese despite repeated allegations of molestation of children under the priests' care. Later, it was discovered that Father Shanley had addressed a 1978 conference that led to formation of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Initially believing that they are following the story of one priest who was moved around several times, the Spotlight team begin to uncover a pattern of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests in Massachusetts, and an ongoing cover-up by the Boston Archdiocese.
When the September 11 attacks occur, the team is forced to de-prioritize the story.

After the Boston Globe wins a case to have even more legal documents unsealed that provide the evidence of that larger picture, the Spotlight team finally begins to write the story, and plan to publish their findings in early 2002.

As they are about to go to print, [Walter] Robinson confesses to the team that he was sent a list of 20 pedophile priests by lawyer Eric MacLeish in 1993, which he never followed up on. But Baron still commends him and his team's efforts to expose the crimes now. The story goes to print with a web link to the documents that expose Cardinal Law's inaction and a phone number for victims of pedophile priests. The following morning, the Spotlight team finds itself inundated with phone calls from victims coming forward to tell their stories.

Walter Robinson was Jesuit-trained/educated at Boston College High School, and at "private" Northeastern University.

Spotlight, was released in the US on November 6th, 2015, one day after Guy Fawkes Day. Guy Fawkes, a lay-Jesuit, was given up by his own to garner sympathy for Roman Catholics in "Protestant" England, under "Protestant" James I—a ruse best described in Sun-Tzuan terms: "Blown cover as cover."

The next-gen "Guy Fawkes" mask:


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