Ectogenesis/Artificial Wombs to Liberate Women from Patriarchal Tyranny

(the above image from this scene 2017's Blade Runner 2049)

The mystery of the Womb goes back to The Beginning, from the unique Creation of the first Woman to the Days of Jared, to the Days of Noah—the Old World Order, the Old Atlantis, in the Golden and Hybrid Age—where Sons of God, B'nai Elohim, or Watchers, took for themselves wives, sired children, and taught Mankind the Art of War, Art of Seduction, the Art of the Proliferation of Self and Environmental Destruction, and the Art of the Blending and Mixing of Kinds. Were these the events that the myth of Prometheus is based?


Watchers Taught the Modification of Plants, Vegetation, Food First Before Reproduction

1 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms 2 and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and 6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones. ~ The Book of Enoch, Section I, Chapter 7

(The above image from Horseshoe Canyon, Utah. The Qatsi Trilogy is inaugurated by the pioneering film, Koyaanisqatsi, released in 1983, and both opens and closes with scenes from the Great Gallery of Horseshoe Canyon, Utah.)

Other examples, the primary god An/Anu or its variant, found in every primary ancient civilization (noting the eight-pointed stars, as the possible Biblical "Mark of Cain", which will be explored in a later blog post)—

We are more than familiar with Paramount Studios' preamble that cryptically gives homage to both Genesis and Enoch, chapter 6 in both (and chapter 7, 8, and 9 in Enoch, the R.H. Charles translation), and the descent of the Watchers onto Mount Hermon because they lusted after the beautiful daughters of men... :

Womb Obsession in Science Fiction/Cinema

Because there is nothing new under the sun, the Female Womb is still the subject of study, and trial replication, not only in science-fictional cinema, but also in the science laboratory.

Blade Runner 2049's Niander Wallace, despite all his technology, and without sight, cannot replicate an active womb in his Replicants, and disposes of his latest creation, slicing her abdomen and womb open because because she is already barren, already ... obsolete—

—and she, disposable, "bleeds" to death.

Womb Obsession and Ectogenesis (a play on Blade Runner 2049's Galatians Syndrome) born, not made; or made, not born—in the Science Laboratory

Will ectogenesis liberate women from patriarchal tyranny?

Women will never be free until they have been freed from the tyranny of reproduction. This was the audacious claim made by 1970s radical feminist Shulamith Firestone. This utopia seemed unimaginably distant then, but technology could make it a reality with ectogenesis, or artificial wombs, contends Kathryn McKay, of the University of Sydney, in the journal Bioethics.
[A] foundational piece of women’s oppression is the conceptual link to female reproductive function, and this link should be targeted for destruction. … ectogenesis holds the potential to radically challenge dominant notions of gender categories and family roles by allowing us to break the conceptual links between ‘woman’, ‘mother’ and female biology.
In fact, McKay argues that “we have a moral imperative to develop ectogenesis as a means to assisted gestation”. Apart from being part of patriarchal oppression, natural childbirth is risky and dangerous. The alternative, gestational surrogacy, is dangerous and exploitative, and “contribute[s] to the maintenance of pronatalist social pressures to produce genetically related offspring”.
Ectogenesis would also help to destroy the patriarchal disaster that is the nuclear family by eliminating “motherhood” as an exclusively female experience.
Insofar as adoptive, kinship, and same‐sex parents are already pushing against pronatalist and geneticist assumptions, ectogenesis will further put pressure on this view. Ectogenesis reveals the possibility that what has hitherto been a major component of female reproductive function—gestation—might not involve a woman at all. If an infant might not be ‘carried’, or ‘birthed’ by anyone as such, then carrying and birthing are undermined as relevant factors in being a woman or mother.
Ectogenesis, therefore, is the ideal means of reproduction in a society which accepts fluid gender roles:
If an infant is not of woman born, but ‘decanted’ from an artificial womb, then the primary caring role cannot be determined de facto by who gave birth to it. So, it encourages an understanding of ‘mother’ and ‘father’ as social roles, not as specifically gender‐ or biologically‐determined identities.
Unfortunately, the reality of ectogenesis is still a distant possibility. But McKay points out that the mere possibility of it puts pressure on oppressive patriarchal norms. Imagining it is a thought experiment which underscores the absurdity of biologically-based gender norms. 1

Science of the Bio-bag Lambs and "Immaculate Gestation"

... Artificial wombs would also let women reproduce the way men do, without risking their physical, economic and social well-being. No time needed off work for pregnancy-related complications. No “cataclysmic bodily convulsion,” as Smajdor has described it, at the end of nine months.

And while some have argued psychosocial emotional ties between mother and baby would be lost if suddenly there was no physical connection between the two, that implies fathers (or adoptive parents) “don’t love their children as much as mothers do,” Smajdor says. Besides, the mother’s heartbeat, voice and abdominal sounds could be played to the fetus. So could the father’s.

But what if ectogenesis didn’t free women as much as make them powerless and irrelevant? What if employers or insurers coerced them into using artificial wombs to save money? “Immaculate gestation” might also lead to legal limits on a woman’s right to abortion, some scholars say. 2

A short video for Recreating the womb Q & A With Researchers at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia can be found here.

The Artificial Womb, a short video summary: Would you consider growing your baby inside an artificial womb?

Baby Steps 

The goal to externalize the Female Womb is also the subject of transitioning males and females—

Transgender man gives birth to baby using sperm from trans woman[.] 3

Animal-Human Hybrids ... in China—

Making chimeras: The technique for making chimeras involves injecting human embryonic stem cells into a days-old embryo of another species. The hope is that the human cells will grow along with the embryo, adding to it.

Izpisúa Belmonte tried making human-animal chimeras previously by adding human cells to pig embryos, but the human cells didn’t take hold effectively.

Because monkeys are genetically closer to humans, it’s possible that such experiments could now succeed. To give the human cells a better chance of taking hold, scientists also use gene-editing technology to disable the formation of certain types of cells in the animal embryos.

—specifically the Pig/Monkey Chimeras, to the controversial genetically engineered twins in China, published alongside the December Coronavirus red alert.

Vaccines of Human, Animal, Insect DNA, and the Kitchen Sink

Something else to examine—humananimal, and insect DNA combined with other toxic sundries in vaccines.

Blending of Kinds—Nothing New Under the Sun

Almost Jesuit priest, John "Skippy" Podesta (with a second Podesta/Jesuit priest source here) cryptically citing the 14 pieces of the Osiris/Dagon myth, superimposed over friend Marina Abramovic Spirit Cooking art presentation:

Eaters of Children

Certainly, there is much more information to include, discuss, and share. However, I think this is enough of a summary to share awareness of the continued Truth that there is nothing new under the sun, now that we live in the New World Order and the New Atlantis, and "scientific research" is the veneer for a much darker agenda—the eradication of Divine Gender roles through blending, obsolescence, the definition of Personhood, and the possible unlimited access to undocumented children. And if one follows the work of Johnny Cirucci, you'll know and understand "The Devil's Simulation" and "The Pedocracy" thrive on the rape, torture, and ritualistic slaughter of the innocent.

To those unfamiliar with Johnny Cirucci's work, visit here for a audio/visual summary of his Eaters of Children book, published September 11th, 2017.

Thank you for reading.


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