The Jesuits—Regimini militantis Ecclesiae

For Hearts, Minds, Souls—One And All September 27th, 1540: Pope Paul III, by papal bull issued Regimini militantis Ecclesiae ... and openly, the Counter Reformation began the plot of a centuries-long road to ecumenism—the highly aggressive move from God-ordained decentralized power and authority, dispersed among the nations, to be returned to the authority underneath one spiritual and temporal ruler— pontifex maximus , the pope. This move has continued to this very day, which, ironically, is also God-ordained. The reason for this aggressive move? The dissemination of the Scriptures, which detailed the history of Creation, the close relationship between Creation and Creator, the Fall of Mankind, the Transgression of the Watchers, the shattering and scattering of the Nations, the Act of Redemption by the Creator Himself—a Hero, and the system of—and the identity of—the Anti-Hero. The day is approaching, perhaps, when the only historians will be amateurs who study history as...